Soutenez le projet Caohangan Island du Cosmic Boat !

Support the Caohagan Island Cosmic Boat Project! Art in the service of solidarity project!

Project visual Soutenez le projet Caohangan Island du Cosmic Boat !
End date
Out of €5,000
103 %

Soutenez le projet Caohangan Island du Cosmic Boat !

<p>The Caohagan project is a solidarity project of The Cosmic Boat Association. It aims to raise funds to fund educational, creative and health materials for children on the island of Caohagan, Philippines.</p> <p>This project originated in the meeting between Phoebe, Sandy&#39;s mother, and Mr Sakyama, owner of the island. In the 70s, he bought the island, and since then, participates in the economic development of the island, while trying to preserve the ecological wealth of the place. When they met, Phoebe spoke about her daughter&#39;s art projects, which gave Mr. Sakyama an idea to invite Sandy to do a musical project with the children.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>In February 2018, we left together for the Philippines! Caohagan, is a small island of less than 1km square, about 1h boat from Cebu Island. Tourism is very developed and serves as the main financial resource to the inhabitants.</p> <p>On site, we were staying in two small bamboo houses along the coral reef beach. We were here invited, fed and housed, in exchange for workshops with the children, and small concerts for the inhabitants of the island. Here, children laugh it easy, a landmark to follow, to know we were doing well by sharing funny, enjoyable, and simple moments. However, the lack of means is felt and we want to contribute in our own way, for the happiness of these children, thanks to art and solidarity.</p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src=";;;key=8b7d8dd6504d41af9a77662672aabc2a&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="500"></iframe></div> <p><br /> In November 2018, Little Pablo recorded the various compositions of Sandy Mango, and several of our Cosmic Boat pirates participated, equipped with their finest intentions.</p> <p>The production of the album is scheduled for September 2019, thanks to the fund that we want to collect with your donations on this page.</p> <p>The albums will be sold to the tourists so that the recipes finance creative, educational and sanitary material: notebooks, books, paintings, juggling equipment, instruments, interview material, etc.</p> <p>The album will be available also in digital version, and the funds will be used to feed the resources of our association The Cosmic Boat. This will allow us to develop other solidarity and artistic projects in the future.</p> <p><br /> Lottery Chaya Handpan, Belko.</p> <p><br /> We are lucky to have at our disposal a Chaya Handpan, Oxalys (Sol Maj6 range, cover not included). Thank you very much to our friend Ratislav Belko, multi-instrumentalist musician and maker of Chaya Handpan, as well as his friend Henk-Jan for giving us his creation, for our associative project. This lottery offers the opportunity to win a handpan while contributing to the financing of our solidarity project.</p> <div class="k-ResponsiveIframeContainer"><iframe allow="autoplay; fullscreen" allowfullscreen="true" frameborder="0" height="281" scrolling="no" src=";;;key=cb39d84f05d8439bbe96012f078e02b0&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="500"></iframe></div> <p><br /><br />;igshid=gnr1re6s8qe4</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>The Cosmic Boat Association</p> <p>Born from a first album Sandy Mango &amp; The Cosmic Boat released in October 2017, with the collaboration of 23 friends met during the trip. The Cosmic Boat becomes an association in June 2018. This association aims to put art at the service of human cause, through concert, creative workshop, exhibition or creation of participatory album.</p> <p>Sandy Mango French artist of Taiwanese and Vietnamese origin, teacher and therapist is the initiative of this associative and artistic project. She composes, writes and plays several instruments. His works are inspired by his travels and stays in nature.</p> <p>And with the help of his best friend Little Pablo, producer and multi-instrumentalist. Their collective creations are tinged with influences from around the world and reflect the richness of the poetic universe of the Cosmic Ship.</p> <p>Artistic creations available at:</p> <p>First crowdfunding for the album Sandy Mango &amp; The Cosmic Boat</p> <p></p> <p><br /> Thanks to our pirates for their collaboration:</p> <p>Ma&euml;wy, Roz, Brian, Phoebe, Laurine, Clara, Kevin, Mauricio, Eduardo, David, Anne-Sophie, Denis, Pablo Belko.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <hr /> <p>El proyecto Caohagan es un proyecto solidario de The Cosmic Boat Association. Su objetivo es recaudar fondos para financiar materiales educativos, creativos y de primera necesidad para ni&ntilde;os en la isla de Caohagan, Filipinas.<br /> <br /> Este proyecto se origin&oacute; con la reuni&oacute;n entre Phoebe, la madre de Sandy, y el se&ntilde;or Sakyama, propietario de la isla. En los a&ntilde;os 70, compr&oacute; la isla, y desde entonces, participa en el desarrollo econ&oacute;mico de la isla, mientras intenta preservar la riqueza ecol&oacute;gica del lugar. Cuando se conocieron, Phoebe habl&oacute; sobre los proyectos art&iacute;sticos de su hija, lo que le dio al Sr. Sakyama la idea de invitar a Sandy a hacer un proyecto musical con los ni&ntilde;os.<br /> <br /> En febrero de 2018, nos fuimos juntos a Filipinas! Caohagan, es una peque&ntilde;a isla de menos de 1 km cuadrado, aproximadamente 1 hora en barco desde la isla de Ceb&uacute;. El turismo est&aacute; muy desarrollado y sirve como el principal recurso financiero para los habitantes.<br /> <br /> En el lugar, nos aloj&aacute;bamos en dos peque&ntilde;as casas de bamb&uacute; a lo largo de la playa de arrecifes de coral. Fuimos invitados, alimentados y alojados aqu&iacute;, a cambio de talleres con los ni&ntilde;os y peque&ntilde;os conciertos para los habitantes de la isla. Aqu&iacute;, los ni&ntilde;os se r&iacute;en con facilidad, un ejemplo a seguir, nos fue bien compartiendo momentos divertidos y simples. Sin embargo, se siente la falta de medios y queremos contribuir a nuestra manera, para la felicidad de estos ni&ntilde;os, con el arte y la solidaridad.<br /> &nbsp;</p> <p><br /> En noviembre de 2018, Little Pablo grab&oacute; las diversas composiciones de Sandy Mango, y varios de nuestros piratas del Barco C&oacute;smico participaron, equipados con sus mejores intenciones.<br /> &nbsp;La producci&oacute;n del &aacute;lbum est&aacute; programada para septiembre de 2019, gracias al fondo que queremos recaudar con sus donaciones en esta p&aacute;gina.<br /> &nbsp;Los &aacute;lbumes se vender&aacute;n a los turistas para que los ni&ntilde;os puedan financiarse medios como material creativo, educativo y sanitario: cuadernos, libros, pinturas, equipos de malabarismo, instrumentos, material de entrevistas, etc.<br /> &nbsp;El &aacute;lbum estar&aacute; disponible tambi&eacute;n en versi&oacute;n digital, y los fondos se utilizar&aacute;n para alimentar los recursos de nuestra asociaci&oacute;n The Cosmic Boat. Esto nos permitir&aacute; desarrollar otros proyectos solidarios y art&iacute;sticos en el futuro.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;Loteria Chaya Handpan, Belko.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;Tenemos la suerte de tener a nuestra disposici&oacute;n un Chaya Handpan, Oxalys (escala Sol Maj6, cubierta no incluida). Muchas gracias a nuestro amigo Ratislav Belko, m&uacute;sico multi-instrumentista y creador de Chaya Handpan, as&iacute; como a su amigo Henk-Jan por darnos su creaci&oacute;n, para nuestro proyecto asociativo. Esta loter&iacute;a ofrece la oportunidad de ganar un handpan al mismo tiempo que contribuye a la financiaci&oacute;n de nuestro proyecto de solidaridad.</p> <p><br /><br /> &nbsp;;igshid=gnr1re6s8qe4<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;La asociaci&oacute;n The Cosmic Boat<br /> &nbsp;Nacido de un primer &aacute;lbum, Sandy Mango &amp; The Cosmic Boat lanzado en octubre de 2017, con la colaboraci&oacute;n de 23 amigos que se conocieron durante el viaje. The Cosmic Boat se convierte oficialmente en una asociaci&oacute;n en junio de 2018. Esta asociaci&oacute;n tiene como objetivo poner el arte al servicio de las causas humanitarias, a trav&eacute;s de conciertos, talleres creativos, exposici&oacute;nes o la creaci&oacute;n de &aacute;lbums participativos.<br /> &nbsp;Sandy Mango, artista franc&eacute;s de origen taiwan&eacute;s y vietnamita, profesor y terapeuta es la iniciadora de este proyecto asociativo y art&iacute;stico. Ella compone, escribe y toca varios instrumentos. Sus obras est&aacute;n inspiradas en sus viajes y estancias en plena naturaleza.<br /> &nbsp;Y con la ayuda de su mejor amigo, Little Pablo, productor y multi-instrumentista. Sus creaciones colectivas est&aacute;n te&ntilde;idas de influencias de todo el mundo y reflejan la riqueza del universo po&eacute;tico de The Cosmic Boat.<br /> &nbsp;Creaciones art&iacute;sticas disponibles en:<br /> &nbsp;Primer crowdfunding para el &aacute;lbum Sandy Mango &amp; The Cosmic Boat.<br /> &nbsp;<br /> <br /> Gracias a nuestros piratas por su colaboraci&oacute;n:<br /> &nbsp;Ma&euml;wy, Roz, Brian, Phoebe, Laurine, Clara, Kevin, Mauricio, Eduardo, David, Anne-Sophie, Denis, Pablo Belko.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>The money will be used to finance the production with the oyster company, to finance the videos of our friend Denis, and to finance our trip back to the island, to be able to distribute the album and offer workshops and concerts on square !</p> <p><br /> If the collection does not reach its goal, the money will be returned to the contributors.</p> <p>And if we come to complete the goal, we can achieve our project and can be even more!</p> <hr /> <p>El dinero se usar&aacute; para financiar la producci&oacute;n con la compa&ntilde;&iacute;a de ostras, para financiar los videos de nuestro amigo Denis y para financiar nuestro viaje de regreso a la isla, para poder distribuir el &aacute;lbum y ofrecer talleres y conciertos en lugar!<br /> &nbsp;<br /> <br /> Si el crowdfunding no alcanza su objetivo, el dinero ser&aacute; devuelto a los contribuyentes.<br /> <br /> &iexcl;Y si llegamos a completar el objetivo, podemos lograr nuestro proyecto y a&uacute;n m&aacute;s!</p>


Featured reward


  • 1 contribution
Private Cosmic Boat Concert :)


  • 9 contributions
A big thank you & lots of bloops <3


  • 6 contributions
1 Postcard of your choice illustrated by Sandy Mango Choose on:


  • 7 contributions
Digital cd of the Cosmic Boat to choose between: Caohagan Project The Cosmic Boat Seeds of Dreams Semillas de Suenos To choose on:


  • 24 contributions
A lottery ticket, for a chance to win the Chaya Handpan!


  • 7 contributions
1 lottery ticket + 1 digital CD of your choice To choose on:


  • 6 contributions
1 Lottery ticket + 1 physical cd of your choice + 1 Postcard "Cosmic Abyss" of your choice choose on:


  • 1 contribution
1 Lottery ticket + 1 physical cd of your choice + 1 Cosmic Boat T-shirt choose on:


1 lottery ticket + 1 physical CD of your choice + 1 Book of Sandy Mango's illustrations "Cosmic Abyss" To choose on:


  • 4 contributions
1 lottery ticket + 1 physical CD of your choice + 1 collection of poetry and photos of Little Pablo "Fragments" To choose on:


1 lottery ticket + 1 physical CD of your choice + 1 A1 illustration of the choice of "Cosmic Abyss" To choose on:


  • 2 contributions
1 lottery ticket + the 3CD physics of choice + illustration A1 "Abyss Cosmic" + 1 T-shirt of the cosmic boat To choose on:

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