South Games (Team of Video Game Creators)

South Games is the name of a platform that I and my team of developers would like to create to exhibit our games!

Project visual South Games (Team of Video Game Creators)
End date
Out of €100
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South Games (Team of Video Game Creators)

<p>South Games is the name of a platform that I and my team of developers would like to develop, that is why we are giving our all in order to create it. For this we are creating our 1st cooperative game ...<br /> <br /> The Loophole House<br /> <br /> Genre: Escape Horror<br /> <br /> Engine: Unreal Engine<br /> <br /> Available modes:<br /> <br /> 1-History:<br /> <br /> A doctor has just woken up from the pain of a syringe injected into his body, he does not know where he is and is becoming more and more crazy, he will have to solve many puzzles while trying to escape from a strange world.<br /> <br /> 2-Multiplayer to 4:<br /> -Local Accommodation or search for a Party on our servers.<br /> <br /> -1 person is chosen at random from the 4 people in order to become the person who will incarnate different monsters with different capacities in order to trace the course of the survivors in different Map.<br /> <br /> -The other 3 people will have to look for a way to escape from this monster in order to completely block access to the monster who is chasing them to win the game. If one of the 3 survivors takes a hit from the monster, he will have to find a way to heal himself if he survives. The monster will appear far from the survivors but it will have to find them. Each person will have different abilities.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>Quelques chiffres, mais pas trop&hellip;</strong><br /> Pour achever de convaincre vos donateurs, dites-leurs &agrave; quoi serviront les fonds collect&eacute;s. Sans entrer dans tous les d&eacute;tails, annoncez les principaux postes de d&eacute;penses. Plus vous serez transparents, et plus vos contributeurs auront confiance en vous. N&rsquo;h&eacute;sitez pas &agrave; ajouter des illustrations (graphiques, camemberts, jauge&hellip;). Pensez &agrave; inclure la commission de KissKissBankBank en cas de r&eacute;ussite de la campagne (8%).</p>


Games given for free + paid content in Multiplayer


In Multiplayer you will have free paying characters as soon as they are released. The images of the games are not final.

All future paid content for free


Donations of all future content from the Multiplayer Game Store.

Make a donation

Give what I want