Story Box 2.0 (故事盒子2.0)

Help us create the "Story Boxes" 2.0 the new voice device for caring Chinese " left-behind" children phenome.

Project visual Story Box 2.0 (故事盒子2.0)
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Story Box 2.0 (故事盒子2.0)

<p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p> <p> <strong>用声音温暖未来,上学路上原有故事盒子 升级版!</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>To build a warm future for the "left-behind" children with stories! On The Road To School "Story Boxes" upgrade!</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>什么是故事盒子-</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 该项目是上学路上对解决6100百万中国留守儿童心灵关注问题的解决方案之一。通过上学路上外买其他厂商的MP3,再把经过专家委员会精心挑选且由来自于央视,央广及专业的志愿者录制的音频如,故事,知识,音乐等内容存储到MP3中再免费发放给留守儿童的过程。目前上学路上已经组织了7季赠送故事盒子的活动,共囊括了贵州,云南,河南,甘肃,山西,河北,山东7省11所学校,2880名留守儿童。</p> <p> 若您想获得更多关于上学路上以及故事盒子的信息,您可以关注我们的微信公众号ID:上学路上(sxls2013)。</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>"On The Road To School" "Story Boxes“ Project Upgrade!</strong></p> <p> <strong>What are "Story Boxes"-</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> "Story Boxes" are used as a solution for caring and improving the mental wellbeing of <strong>61million Chinese "Left-behind” Children. </strong>I started<strong> the charity movement "On The Road To School" in 2013. </strong>We buy MP3s from brand factories. Our own experts committees on content selecting choose classic children story books and other contents categorize them into stories and tales, music and general knowledge the three main divisions. We then invite professional braodcasters from China Central Television (CCTV) and China National Radio (CNR), as well as volunteers of related professions to record the selected contents and then input them into the MP3s.</p> <p> We then freely distribute them into our established  contact schools into the hands of the "left-behind" children. We have so far carried out<strong> 7 seasons</strong> of donating "Story Boxes", in Guizhou, Yunnan and a<strong>ll 7 provinces in china and have covered 2880 "left-behind" children. </strong></p> <p> If you want to know more about the movement I started "On The Road To School and "Story Boxes" program you are most welcome to add our Wechat public ID: <strong>上学路上(sxls2013).</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>故事盒子的内容-</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 故事盒子目前主要有3方面的内容,非别为,故事集,音乐和综合知识。其中故事内容由来自于中国中央电视台以及中央广播电台以及专业志愿者录音制作。而内容则有中国知名儿童读物作家梅子涵先生以及儿童心理学家和儿童读物专家们所组成的专家内容委员会选择帮扶关爱儿童成长适合留守儿童的故事内容。音乐部分则由中央广播电台以及个地方电台的专业DJ来选择适合留守儿童收听的正版音乐内容。而综合知识部分也同样由专家选择录制而成。</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>故事范例点击收听:</strong>夏洛特的网-<a href=";sid=20140120162226.000007&amp;friendid=">故事回放</a><a href="">Pluto</a> - undefined 央广主持人卫东</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>故事盒子精选故事及录制人选单</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 快乐王子集-央视著名主播康辉</p> <p> 石头汤-央视著名主播欧阳夏丹</p> <p> 你我只隔六步-著名演员郭涛</p> <p> 窗边的小豆豆-赵琳</p> <p> 希利尔讲世界地理-卫东</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>The content of "Story Boxes"</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> There are mainly three types of contents, stories collections, music collection and general knowledge collection. All stories are recorded and produced by professional braodcasters from China Central Television, China National Radio and related professional volunteers. All the stories/books are selected by our special committee made of  leading Chinese children's book writers, psychologist designed in caring the "left-behind" children. Music collection are chosen by professional DJs from China National Radio and other provincial radios. And general knowledge are recommended in areas such as geography, history, biology among others. </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Story sample link Charlotte's web:</strong> <a href=";sid=20140120162226.000007&amp;friendid=">故事回放</a><a href="">Pluto</a> - undefined recorded by CNR braodcaster Weidong</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>List of our sample "Story Boxes" stories: </strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> The Happy Prince-Oscar Wilde</p> <p> Stone Soup-Jon J Muth</p> <p> The Little Girl at the Window-Totto-Chan</p> <p> A Child's Geography of The Word- V.M Hillyer</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>故事盒子的效果-</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 在每季发放故事盒子之后大约3个月时间,我们都对所授的留守儿童进行调查问卷的反馈。</p> <p>  </p> <p> 1.根据我们的反馈问卷调查<strong>86%的孩子们</strong>每三天使用并聆听故事盒子的内容。</p> <p>  </p> <p> 2<strong>.80%以上</strong>的孩子们听完超过一半的故事</p> <p>  </p> <p> 3.44%会反复的听取某个故事。</p> <p>  </p> <p> 4.39%的孩子们已经把他们所听到的内容与他们的小伙伴们分享过。 </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Does "Story Boxes" really works?</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> Within the first 2 month period after we have given the "Story Boxes" to the children, we normally conduct a feedback research on the efficiency of "Story Boxes" in helping our targeted population. Here are the results we have found. </p> <p>  </p> <p> 1.<strong>Over 86% of children </strong>who have received the "Story Boxes" listen often to its contents within each a 3 days period. </p> <p>  </p> <p> 2.<strong>Over 80% of these children</strong> have finished over half of the contents during the feedback research period. </p> <p>  </p> <p> 3.44% of these children have the habits of listen to their favorite stories from the content regularly. </p> <p>  </p> <p> 4.39%  of these children are tend to share the contents, which they have heard from the "Story Boxes" with their friends and families. </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>现有故事盒子存在的问题-</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 反馈中我们也发现了如下的问题</p> <p>  </p> <p> 1.因为MP3功能限制故事盒子的内容更新成本高,使故事盒子成为一次性的用具违背我们陪伴孩子们成长的初衷。</p> <p>  </p> <p> 2.现有故事盒子缺乏使孩子们与他们的父母相互沟通的功能。</p> <p> <strong>Why is a upgrade necessary?</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> We have also discovered negative points in our feedback as well.</p> <p>  </p> <p> 1. The renewal of the content of distributed "Story Boxes" can be very difficult. The utility cost of content updating impedes our goal of accompanying the children as they grow up. </p>   <p> 2. The current Story Boxes lack the function of enabling the children to communicate with their parents. </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>解决方案<em>-</em>故事盒子2.0</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 我刘新宇作为上学路上公益活动的发起人,我以个人名义在大家爱心大众的帮助之下要研发一个<strong>专用于故事盒子的硬件</strong>使更多的留守儿童在最短的时间内得到不断的心灵关爱与陪伴。</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>The Solution-Story Boxes 2.0 </strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> I Liu Xinyu as the founder of the movement, I urge others who share the same passion for the "left-behind" children can come and join the effort in delivering instant audio contents<strong> for accompany these children during their growth and improving their mental wellbeing. </strong>Thus, we will create<strong> a new Maker device</strong> that is of and only use for these purposes. </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>她的主要功能:</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 1.播放上学路上精品的故事,音乐,知识音频内容,并带有链接WIFI功能可以通过校园无线设备及时更新内容。</p> <p>  </p> <p> 2.具有录制及发送专门孩子与父母之间音频对话的功能。通过故事盒子2.0的特质按钮“爸爸妈妈”孩子们可以直接通过录音与父母沟通,这样解决了我们反馈发现留守儿童父母与孩子通常相互不善直接沟通的一大难题。</p> <p>  </p> <p> 3.孩子们想父母时可以播放录音起到支持和鼓励的作用。</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Its main functions:</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 1.Able to play "On The Road To School" selected audio contents and also able to instant update its database using WIFI connections in schools. </p> <p>  </p> <p> 2.It is also created to have the function of bridging between these children and their parents. By pressing the customized bottom, both children and parents are able to record a audio message and exchange them with each other through internet connections. This is a perfect solution in solving the difficulty and general awkwardness when "left-behind" children and their parents use other direct means to communicate, such as phone calls and social medias.</p> <p>  </p> <p> 3.And when children miss their parents they can playback these recording messages from their parents as support and encouragement. </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>合作与目标:</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> 已联系到了国内<strong>顶尖创客</strong>(Maker)来进行故事盒子2.0的共同研发。</p> <p> 预计在2015年底完成该产品的设计及样品的推出。 </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Partners and objectives</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> We have already built partnership with the<strong> top Chinese Makers</strong> as our hardware and software developer.  We plan to finish the design and provide the first end-product by end of January next year.   </p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>筹款去向:</strong></p> <p> 之所以开设众筹不单是为了开设另一个捐助平台,更是能让更多关心留守儿童问题,或之前对留守儿童心灵状态并无太多知识的人们参与到关注和帮助留守儿童的活动中来。因为故事盒子2.0不研发且要生产的过程,我们也正在从其他发面寻找资金支持。研发加生产初步预算至少需要20万人民币(其中包括硬件设计,使孩子与父母沟通的App的软件设计),研发成品的测试,以及之后的推广和批量定制。 这次众筹的2000美金将不会完全满足整个研发和生产的资金需求,但我们也希望大家都来帮助我们,我们好更有信心一并与已开展的其他的资金来源使故事盒子2.0在2016年底成为现实!</p> <p>  </p> <p> 这次筹款成功之后,1000美金将用于“故事盒子2.0”的研发中将用于作为创客的专家劳务费用,用于APP设计和”故事盒子2.0“硬件设计。</p> <p> 另一半1000美金将用于在“故事盒子2.0”研发成功后并入模具生产的的费用。我们将会把具体的所用账目的明细以及项目的实现进程表在我们的微信平台和这里到时候向大家一并公布!若此次众筹成功大家支持的热情高涨,我们还希望进行下一轮的“故事盒子2.0”的众筹,谢谢您的理解和支持!”</p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Where goes the funds ?</strong></p> <p>  </p> <p> We are starting this crowdfunding platform it's not only to add a new channel in funding, but to let more people who care about the topic of "left-behind" children and those who may not know this issue before but feel related and are willing to help them to join our effort, in helping and improving their mental health. Since the "Story Boxes 2.0" project not only need to be created for a prototype, but also to be mass produced, thus besides this platform we are also currently building and connecting with other business supporters and donors. Our now calculated budget is that, we need at least two hundred thousand Yuan(approx40,000 dollars)for designing the App for parents and their children communicate, hardware design, producing "Story Boxes 2.0 "prototype and testing its functions. Finally the "Story Boxes 2.0 are set to be mass produced. Thus, the 2000 dollars this time will not be able to cover the whole cost. However, by achieving this funding goal, all of you supporters are giving us confidence to work with our existing other donors and to find new supporters to build OUR project! We are confident to share the final product of " Story Boxes 2.0" and to be able to mass produce it by the end of 2016!</p> <p>  </p> <p> Once we reached our goals, 1000 dollars will used into the development of the "Story Boxes 2.0" device to the salary of the makers who are currently working hard to make "Story Boxes 2.0" a reality, the App design and the hardware design. Another 1000 dollars will be used into the building of a production model of the "Story Boxes 2.0". We will publish all the details of how the money are used on this site and our Wechat publicID: sxls 2013 and our website, as well as the monthly update of the developing stage of the project! And if you all show great support in helping making "Story Boxes 2.0" a reality this time, we are also planning to make a second round of crowfunding for this project. With your help and our other donors and sponsors, along with our technical team, we are confident we will bring warmth to the heart of millions of left -behind children and let them to grow up along with the caring and love that they deserve. </p>

Allocation of funds

<p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="405" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p> <p> <strong>受众人群</strong>:</p> <p>  </p> <p> 故事盒子2.0目标在新一轮的帮助和关注留守儿童的活动中与上学路上的另一主打项目”小雨点广播站“一起可以覆盖到<strong>全国74所学校,29877名留守儿童。</strong>根据《中国2010年第六次人口普查资料》中抽取的126万人口样本推算,全国有<strong>6102.55万农村留守儿童,</strong>而<strong> 城乡流动儿童规模达到3581万。</strong>因此无法享受完整父母亲情的留守儿童和准留守儿童,人数逼近1个亿。据中科院心理所调查,由于童年的爱缺失,<strong>34%的孩子有自杀倾向,70%的孩子</strong>有程度不同的心理问题。所有众筹筹款将用于故事盒子2.0的研发过程中。 </p> <p>  </p> <p> Who will we help? </p> <p>  </p> <p> The "Story Boxes" 2.0 along with our other main program "Raindrop Radio- stop" are set to <strong>cover 74 schools and 29,877 children </strong>in the whole China. Based on the 6th China National Population Census in 2010, there are approximately <strong>61 million children </strong>grow up without direct contact with their parents, who tend to leave the countryside to work in the cities. Many of these parents are taking low wage jobs. They are not able to provide for the extra cost if their children come to the city with them. For those children who came to cities with their parents, they fall into the category <strong>of “Urban-rural Migrant Children”,which numbered approximately 35 million. </strong>Together, <strong>nearly 100 million children,</strong> they form the “Urban-rural” gap in Chinese Children upbringing.</p> <p>  </p> <p> These children grow up normally without the direct guardianship, caring and love from their parents. Survey conducted by the Chinese Academy of Sciences on the psychological state of the “left-behind children” shows that, up to<strong> 34% of “Left-behind” Children</strong> have leaning towards suicidal behaviors. And <strong>over 70% of them</strong> have psychological problems of various degrees. With the improving financial situation of migrant worker families as the economy grow, the core issue with these children shifts from economic difficulties to their mental wellbeing and their acceptance and integration process into the society. All funding will be used in the process of developing the "Story Boxes" 2.0 device. </p> <p>      <img alt="-home-qspace-data-webmailcache-50-2615148330-zl2514-whllq7zki1twvivw_gszf57_attach-6ea6e7b7_fa304572.9776a455-1437469576" src=""></p>



积少成多-我们将会向故事盒子2.0的每名支持者发出一封由上学路上公益活动发起人刘新宇特别为您所写的电子感谢信。我们会主动与您们联系您们的邮箱地址。也同时感谢所有支持者对改善留守儿童心灵状况的帮助! Every dollar counts-All supporters of the " Story Boxes" 2.0 project are each to be given a electronic version of a customized thank you letter from the funder of On The Road To School Mr.Liu Xinyu. Your email address will be asked. I personally thank you for your caring for "left-behind" children community and your will in helping improving their mental health!

Estimated delivery: January 2016


我们将会向您发送一封由您所帮助的留守儿童特别为您所写的感谢电子信。我们会主动与您们联系您们的邮箱地址。也同时感谢所有支持者对改善留守儿童心灵状况的帮助!You will be given a electronic version of a customized thank you letter from the "left-behind" children that you helped. Your email address will be asked. I personally thank you for your caring for "left-behind" children community and your will in helping improving their mental health!

Estimated delivery: January 2016


我们将会邮寄给您共5张的上学路上精致明信片以及上学路上志愿者订制胸章一枚。我们会主动与您们联系并寄到您们的地址。也同时感谢所有支持者对改善留守儿童和留守儿童心灵状况的帮助!You will be given a pack all 5 our personally designed postcards along with one On The Road To School custom volunteer badge. Your address will be asked and will be shiped to your home. I personally thank you for your caring for "left-behind" children community and your will in helping improving their mental health.

Estimated delivery: January 2016


我们将会向您赠送2件由留守儿童反馈的的工艺美术作品以及上学路上志愿者订制胸章一枚。我们会主动与您们联系并寄到您们的地址。也同时感谢您所有支持对改善留守儿童和留守儿童心灵状况的帮助!- You will be given two special made artwork by the "left-behind" children that you help along with one On The Road To School custom volunteer badge. Your address will be asked and will be shiped to your home. I personally thank you for your caring for "left-behind" children community and your will in helping improving their mental health.

Estimated delivery: January 2016


我们将会以您的名义向四名留守儿童赠送故事盒子,您可以附上自己想对留守儿童说的话。我们会主动与您们联系索要您们的邮箱地址,到时故事盒子与孩子的反馈照片会发到您的邮箱当中。也同时感谢所有支持者对改善留守儿童和留守儿童心灵状况的帮助!Four "Story Boxes" will be given in your name to four "left-behind" children, you are welcome to add a sentence you want to say to them, which will be delivered to them personally. Your email address will be asked a feedback picture will be emailed to your address. I personally thank you for your caring for "left-behind" children community and your will in helping improving their mental health.

Estimated delivery: January 2016


只在中国大陆境内:您自己或您可以指定一位您的亲朋好友来参加我们下一次的线下赠送故事盒子活动(为期通常3-4天)您将与我和其他的志愿者一起亲身体验公益活动的经历。您的交通,食宿均与我们一起并提供。 The person must be in Mainland China: You or a person of your choice in mainland china will be invited to participate our next season of giving "Story Boxes"(normally 3-4 days) along with I and all other volunteers. Your transport, food and stay will be provided by us and you are to enjoy a once in a life time with us and the amazing people and places you will greet and visit!

Estimated delivery: January 2016

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