September 10, 2013
The Modern Directory - Issue #1
The Modern Directory : a 100% independent quarterly magazine, for the promotion of young visual art in Europe !

End date
Out of €6,800
103 %
The Modern Directory - Issue #1
<strong>The Modern Directory is a paper object, a publication of artistic exchange, reflexion and support. </strong>A bilingual (french-english) redactional initiative <strong>promoting young creators in the visual art fields</strong> and offering to its readers to discover the very best <strong>european emerging artists</strong>. Born from a communal will of creating a magazine dedicated to the european art scene, <strong>The Modern Directory presents and examines the contemporary outcrops of visual art in Europe, using of the artists he promotes as of the base of a creative and introspective reflexion.</strong></p>
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<strong>Today, The Modern Directory and the artists he displays need you !</strong></p>
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<strong>THE WHY AND THE HOW !</strong></p>
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We remember the signs of cross, the eyes raised to heaven and the appalled supplications, the day we announced for the first time our will of making a paper magazine.</p>
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“A magazine ?! But there are so many of them already ! Everything has been done yet !”</p>
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“You're wasting your time, you'll never find a way of making it financially viable !”</p>
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“Do you have any idea of the personal involvement it does represent ?!”</p>
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“The advertisers will never follow, there's no budget left for these kinds of risky publications !”</p>
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“Start in the press nowadays ? Haven't you heard about a crisis ?! You should better go for mobile applications !”</p>
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"Forgive them, Father, for they know not what they do !”</p>
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We must admit that the situation is not encouraging. The standard press formats are struggling. The corridor of action is constantly being reduced. Between the printing costs, the logistic and</p>
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distribution expenses and the accrued pressure of the advertisers, it has become very hard for low print-run magazines to find their room in the current publishing landscape without compromising themselves.</p>
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Fortunately, <strong>The Modern Directory is coming with an alternative to fatalism and anxiolytics' overdose !</strong></p>
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Playing of this climax of general breakdown as of an opportune constraint, The Modern Directory has decided to look outside of the box and to work on <strong>a new way of conceiving the production and the diffusion of a paper magazine. </strong>Based on <strong>a free and independent financing and promotion</strong>, The Modern Directory has turned toward<strong> an other economic model</strong>, more compatible with his ambitions and with the period in which he has decided to born.</p>
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<strong>Built and developed in full collaboration with the artists, exempt of any advertising, preferring to the shelves of the major distributors an itinerant distribution of proximity</strong>, this publication of a new kind wishes to get out from the marketing standards and to pave the way for a new form of existence !</p>
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<strong>THE WHO !</strong></p>
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The Modern Directory is the result of <strong>a fully volunteer editorial team</strong>. Journalists, writers, artists, art theoreticians or simple enthusiasts, all share a common desire to dedicate to the emerging art scene some of their spare time, knowledge and energy. <strong>It took to our joyful team 1273 phone calls, 3420 text messages, 2316 emails, 21 train travels, 36 car-shares, 14 sleepless nights, 103 red wine bottles, 5230 cigarets and almost a year of relentless work to be able to stand in front of you today !</strong></p>
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<strong>THE WHAT !</strong></p>
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<strong>The Modern Directory is a directory. The directory of a practice. The directory of an era. The directory of a geographical scope.</strong> <strong>A 160 pages paper publication dedicated to the emerging visual art scene in Europe and to its young artists.</strong> An insubordinate editorial initiative, aiming to <strong>give the voice back to its content and artists</strong>, instead of using them as a raw material, subjugated by the dictatorial supremacy of a superlative form.</p>
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<strong>Each quarter</strong>, The Modern Directory presents <strong>the work of twenty artists, articulated around an original theme. Twenty portfolios, twenty personalities to follow, twenty visions, enriched by portraits, reflexion articles, conversations and exclusive reviews</strong> to make of this magazine a catalyst of encounter and exchange, a <i>link</i> between all the european visual arts and a new actor of a substantial and updated “Art in Europe” definition attempt.</p>
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<strong>The Modern Directory ; 160 pages, 1.6 lbs, 1000 copies and no master or leash !</strong></p>
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<strong>Only available from hand to hand and during the events he organizes</strong>, The Modern Directory can be discovered by hearsay, during an encounter or a party, at the occasion of a specific event ; in summary everywhere and nowhere. <strong>Unavailable in the standard bookshops</strong>, The Modern Directory wants to play the card of the network and of the fidelity of his readers to reduce his intermediaries and to produce <strong>a proximity product, financially accessible to all.</strong></p>
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This way, The Modern Directory wishes to be much more than a simple magazine ! Through regular events, he wants <strong>to travel through Europe to organize vernissages and exclusive events</strong> and serve his artists way beyond his pages !</p>
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<strong>By making of these events the only way of diffusion of the magazine, The Modern Directory wants to make of his capacity of action and commitment the main core of his business plan.</strong></p>
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Follow the travel of the magazine on his tumblr - coming very soon - !</p>
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<strong>THE WHEN !</strong></p>
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The Modern Directory will launch his <strong>first issue in october 2013</strong> and then release <strong>a new publication each quarter.</strong></p>
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Allocation of funds
The collected money will be injected in <strong>the printing of the 1000 copies of the first issue</strong> (a little bit more than 6000 euros) and in <strong>the organization of our first itinerant events</strong>.</p>
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<strong>If the donations exceed our objective</strong>, the additional money will be <strong>entirely invested in the organization of artistic events and meetings</strong>, helping us to promote the artists we are supporting.</p>
- 2 contributions
Welcome to The Modern Directory adventure ! You are now registered on our mailing list and your name will appear in the thanks section of our website.
- 7 contributions
Thank you so much ! Your name will appear in the thanks section of our paper publication. We are pleased to offer you 2 exclusive postcards “The Modern Directory”! + previous rewards
- 22 contributions
Fantastic ! You'll receive the first issue of The Modern Directory, at home and in advance ! You just have to wait on your couch ! + previous rewards
- 9 contributions
Watch out, collector edition ! Receive at home a limited numbered edition of The Modern Directory, with a special cover created just for the occasion ! + rewards 1 & 2
- 10 contributions
Thank you, from the bottom of our heart ! Please let us offer you an exclusive TOTE BAG KIT : your magazine in limited edition (see reward 4) delivered in a custom tote bag, with a signed original poster “The Modern Directory” and a set of stickers ! + rewards 1 & 2
- 6 contributions
We can never thank you enough ! Please receive a signed handmade silkscreen printing in the colors of the magazine ! + rewards 1,2 & 5
- 6 contributions
WHAOW ! You name as Big Donator in the OURS of the magazine ! Let's celebrate this by offering you a limited art piece from one of the artists displayed in the magazine ; to be chosen through a large selection ! Contact us by email to receive the list of the creations available : [email protected] + rewards 1, 2, 5 & 6
- 2 contributions
UNBELIEVABLE ! How could we ever thank you enough for your support ? Your name will be written in letters of fire as Big Donator in the OURS of the magazine ! For the occasion, receive a COLLECTOR PACK "The Modern Directory", containing a limited edition magazine (see reward 4) customised by the whole editorial team, a tote bag kit, a signed handmade silkscreen printing, two limited art pieces (to be chosen in the selection) and a crazy editorial supplement limited to 10 copies !