The School Run 2017

Bring your support to provide lighting solutions to eight remote schools in the Moroccan Atlas that host hundreds of children.

Project visual The School Run 2017
End date
Out of €1,500
36 %

The School Run 2017

<p><img alt="Illus-schoolrun2017-1497357739" src=""></p><p> </p><p>En 2014, mon ami Tim et moi-même nous associons au projet <strong>The School Run - Shine Africa</strong> et accompagnions le convoi depuis le sud de l'Espagne jusqu'à destination en Gambie. Ce raid a été pour nous l'occasion de découvrir ce continent qui nous était inconnu, d'une façon utile. L'objectif principal de ce voyage a été d'apporter des fournitures scolaires aux enfants de Gambie, mais aussi des livres, des jouets et des affaires leur permettant de faire du sport comme des chaussures, des vêtements, etc.</p><p> </p><p>Un <a target="_blank" href="">financement participatif</a> a été organisé pour l'achat d'une installation solaire photovoltaïque destinée à une école maternelle d'un village gambien. Avec 44 contributeurs et un résultat <strong>167%</strong> du budget prévu, le succès de cette collecte a été tel que nous avons obtenu assez d'argent pour équiper trois écoles au total.</p><p> </p><p>Vous trouverez le recit de cette super aventure sur le blog <a target="_blank" href="">Enfants de Gambie</a>.</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Ecole-maroc_1-1497358234" src=""></p><p> </p><p><strong>School Run 2017</strong></p><p> </p><p>Trois ans après, nous revoilà avec un projet qui se déroulera en octobre 2017 au Maroc. L'objectif est de fournir des solutions d'éclairage à huit écoles reculées de l'Atlas marocain qui accueillent des centaines d'enfants. Elle émane de l'organisation LIGHT2LEARN en partenariat avec l'association marocaine El Baraka Angels.</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Logo_light2learn-1497357758" src=""></p><p> </p><p><strong>LIGHT2LEARN</strong></p><p> </p><p><a target="_blank" href="">LIGHT2LEARN</a> LIGH2LEARN mission is to develop, and install solar lighting solutions that are fit for purpose and will provide a durable, sustainable solution for remote schools with no possibility of grid supplied electricity.  Our remit includes the training of local people to support and maintain the installations. LIGHT2LEARN has an additional objective to work with local universities in Spain to develop a solar lighting solution to modify existing kerosene lamps to function with LED and a solar charger, using where possible locally sourced materials. </p><p> </p><p> </p><p><img alt="Logo-elbarakaangels-1497357873" src=""></p><p> </p><p><strong>El Baraka Angels</strong></p><p> </p><p><a target="_blank" href="">El Baraka Angels</a> is an organization dedicated to helping populations in precarious situations in rural or urban areas and contributing to their socio-economic and cultural development by responding to various psychological, material, Medical, health, social, economic, environmental and cultural.</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Logo_sola-bear-1497358043" src=""></p><p> </p><p><strong>SolaBear</strong></p><p> </p><p>The guarantee of the results of your contribution is based on your trust in me, the one that made the Shine Africa 2014 project a success. Without my friend Tim, I would never have been able to associate myself with such an adventure. Will never thank him enough. This friendship has a name, SolaBear.</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Timharman-1497358129" src=""></p><p> </p><p><strong>Tim Harman</strong></p><p> </p><p>Tim, a renewable energy consultant, is the CEO/President of LIGHT2LEARN. A seasoned project manager and renewable energy expert, having been the CEO of his own solar PV business in Spain and recently Technical Director for First Solar, a global leader in photovoltaic (PV) solar energy solutions. Tim also brings extensive expedition experience gained as a mountaineer and cave explorer, including several Himalayan trips. Tim headed up the Solar PV installation team on the successful Shine Africa overland trip to The Gambia in 2014, where three schools were fitted with sustainable solar (PV) energy supplies and lighting.</p><p> </p><p><strong>Le financement</strong></p><p> </p><p>All donations received go directly to fund the purchase of materials and associated shipping costs. All project team members are volunteers and self-funding. The expedition is lead by volunteers who are experts in their fields, including solar (PV), Vehicle-dependent Expeditions, project management, and logistics.</p><p> </p><p><img alt="Huit-ecoles-1497358377" src=""></p><p> </p><p>The budget to provide a solar (PV) power and lighting system is £5,000 (€6,000) per school. This includes materials, shipping and spares. The total project budget is £45,000 (€54,000).</p><p> </p><p><strong>My engagement</strong></p><p> </p><p><em>1/ Give my communication skills to work for The School Run 2017 and organize a fundraising that will contribute overall funding.</em></p><p><em>2/ Share the progress of our project via a dedicated blog where we can follow our trip in Morocco. We will regularly publish photos, drawings and testimonies of our exchanges during our meetings.</em></p><p><em>3/ I personally care of contributors compensations.</em></p><p> </p>

Allocation of funds

<p>I appeal to your help, without which we could not finance this project in its entirety.</p><p>The amount of the collection is set at <strong>1500 euros</strong> so as to put all chances of success on our side. If the donations are superior, it is an additional chance to complete the overall budget to equip the eight schools.</p><p>I will collect the entire fund-raising and I'll give it to LIGHT2LEARN.</p><p><em>We count on you, thank you all for your support!</em></p>



Votre nom sera mentionné sur le site du projet.

Estimated delivery: November 2017


Contrepartie précédente + un tirage papier 10x15 d'une photo du projet au Maroc + un mot personnalisé de remerciement.

Estimated delivery: November 2017


Contreparties précédentes + une carte postale d'un des pays traversé, envoyée par la Poste.

Estimated delivery: November 2017


    Contreparties précédentes + un dessin original de l'Ours réalisé durant le voyage, envoyé par la Poste.

    Estimated delivery: November 2017


      Contreparties précédentes + un souvenir surprise d'un des pays traversé, envoyé par la Poste.

      Estimated delivery: November 2017


        Deux premières contreparties + un tirage photo 30x40.

        Estimated delivery: November 2017


        Première contrepartie + votre logo sur le site et la promotion de votre entreprise sur les réseaux sociaux (réservé aux entreprises).

        Estimated delivery: November 2017

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