Trieste Sogna

Partecipa alla produzione del corto d'animazione che narra la magia di una città che, addormentandosi, si anima...

Project visual Trieste Sogna
End date
Out of €20,000
40 %

Trieste Sogna

<p> Trieste Dream is a short animated film that comes from a series of chance encounters between professionals in various fields working in Trieste.</p> <p> The boards of the illustrator Paola Ramella fascinated Carmelo Settembrino (a video and communications professional, director of short films and commercials) who decided to direct the project with Guendal’s (author of short stories, novels and comic books) screenplay.</p> <p>  </p> <p> THE STORY</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Trieste_sogna_foto_di_scena_5-1492409366" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> This time it’s a little girl who tells her grandfather the story of a contemporary legend: what happens when a sleeping Trieste is animated.</p> <p>  </p> <p> From the waves of the sea rises a mysterious woman, who, by pressing the cleat with the Wind Rose on the tip of the Molo Audace, triggers a series of magical and surreal events. Thanks to her enchantment the statues come to life, the Miramare Park is filled with dinosaurs while the sphinx emerges gracefully,  and gradually fabulous events follow, trees swim and the painter Timmel will paint a woman astronaut in real life.</p> <p>  </p> <p> WHY</p> <p>  </p> <p> Trieste is often described as a city in some respects asleep, away, suspended between past and future, between fantasy and reality, but precisely because of such a unique atmosphere, full of nature, art and history. We do not intend to wake abruptly, but what we love, we want to make it known and loved just as in its exceptional and unique dimension of “dreamer”.</p> <p>  </p> <p> Only thanks to the passion for this project there is already a 2 minute trailer which was presented as a Special Event on March 21 at the prestigious festival in Cortina Cortinametraggio and simultaneously also in Trieste at the National Cinema.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Trieste_sogna_a_cortinametraggio-1492409603" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> The trailer got excellent feedback from the public and experts, so much so that it took home a prize... and an exceptional godmother, the Sicilian actress Maria Grazia Cucinotta.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Robertosrelz-rd-2469-1492079087" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> HOW</p> <p>  </p> <p> Animation takes inspiration from cinema, short films, comics and drawings. For every second there are at least 12 to 25 frames (in this case not photos but drawings!) that our eye perceives as a fluid and seamless thread.</p> <p> The process of implementation is therefore long and expensive, but the result is unmistakable.</p> <p> For this project we play with various techniques: some of the real places that are perfectly recognizable in the drawings are then transformed in video and an animatic is created, that is the drawing is moved by merging it with the video. The design then mixes with reality and it may happen that the palaces are drawn, but the sea that breaks on the dock in front is real.</p> <p> Times and costs are different from a short film, but we believe animation is the right language to tell the magic of our story.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//;wmode=opaque&amp;;key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&amp;type=text%2Fhtml&amp;schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p> <p>  </p> <p> And another look at what came to life: Paola Ramella’s boards, the visionary illustrations which catapulted us in the oneiric dimension of this story-</p> <p> By supporting this project, you will help us complete the boards, for now 5 out of 12 expected from the screenplay. </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Tavola_3_piccola-1492079582" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> WHO ARE WE?</p> <p>  </p> <p> Trieste Sogna was born from the experience and the passion of professional ‘Triestines' (or ones who became so, as in Carmelo's case, for love) all in love with Trieste so much that they have already enjoyed and been committed to tell stories about it, each one in his and her own field.</p> <p> From the first meeting with Paola, there were others which expanded the group. The team is now:</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Foto_ramella-1489838811" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Paola Ramellan (idea) - born in Trieste in 1970, where she lives and works. A self-taught cartoonist, she has published various comics including "Lions &amp; Saints" (ed. Esaedro) and "The green whisper and the purple thought" (ed. Safarà). She has a new graphic novel coming out in April (ed. Ferrogallico) "Sergio Ramelli". She’s the creator of Tergestea, the testimonial of the Trieste cartoon show “Fumettipergioco". She teaches drawing, comics and illustration at the School of Trieste GRAPHITE.  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Guendal-1490305956" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Guendal (screenplay) - writer and screenwriter, he lives and works in Trieste. Author of short stories (including "Unnamed", winner of the Silmaril prize 2005), novels (“It shines high and lights everything") and comics ("Lions &amp; Saints", "The green whisper and the purple thought”).</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Carmelo_settembrino-1489838860" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Carmelo Settembrino (director, editor e compositing) - the passion for communication in all its forms has always pushed him to master its tool. Oral communication seemed too restrictive and so, looking for new forms, he blends skills and passions through the gestural and corporeal theatre, sound, visual, landing in what in his opinion synthesizes it all: film communication.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Marco_2016--1490143205" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Marco Podda (original music) - a multifaceted and versatile composer, graduated in guitar and a voice expert (singing and speaking). In over thirty years he has written music scene for over 80 shows and has won a catalog of over 200 opus numbers of which more than 70 were published in print and has assisted Giorgio Pressburger in the "Music for the Theatre" courses at the DAMS of Gorizia. The Teatro Verdi in Trieste has commissioned him a work on a text by Claudio Magris in 2019.</p> <p> Winner of national and international competitions, his musical works are performed and published in Italy and abroad, published by Carrara, Pizzicato Verlag Helvetia and recorded for Tactus, Audio Ars Studio, Erato, Rivo Alto and for the national RAI. His compositions are acquired and stored by the US Federal Library of America and the National Library Helvetica.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Denis_rapisarda-1490607075" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Denis Rapisarda (animation) - a young creative born in Trieste, fascinated by the world of video games and design, he began to devote himself to animation while still in high school finishing among the 10 finalists of the competition "Draw a Spot" at the 16th video VivereilMare festival.</p> <p> In 2014 he worked to create animated shorts for the "Sulake Corporation Oy”, he later created animations for the advertisement of a board game and in 2016 was in the "TACT" festival as a cameraman and video editor. Since 2017 he has launched himself in the adventure of Trieste Sogna and its animations.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Morosini-1490141101" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Francesco Morosini (sound) - CEO A_Lab SRLs, is an AITS certificated sound engineer.</p> <p> In over twenty years of business, including live, post-production and sound design works, he has worked in numerous national and international productions, some of which are winners of prestigious awards, among which “The last beach” by David Degan and Thanos Anastopoulos presented at Cannes 2016 in the Special Screenings section, “Dancing With Maria” by Ivan Gergolet, winner of the Critics Award - Venice Film Festival 2014, “Habibi” by Davide del Degan, winner of the 2011 Silver Ribbon Festival.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Fabiana_bisulli-1491282853" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Fabiana Bisulli (voice) - She has always been passionate about music, singing and all the possible and unimaginable ways of how the vocal cords can vibrate. She approached radio at the age of 19 years for fun and the experiences in Rome and Milan and some national networks confirmed this as her career. She worked as a voice actor for cartoons such as advertising as a speaker and radio host; among the most beautiful and important experiences that Capital Radio which she always carries in her heart. Since last summer she has been working with the regional RAI headquarters in Trieste where she hosts two programs, one on our talents ‘made in Fvg’ around the world, and the other on our food.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Adriano-1490312964" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Adriano Giraldi (voice) - born in Trieste, he attended the school of the Piccolo Teatro of Milan and made his debut in 1981 with the Teatro Stabile company of Friuli Venezia Giulia "Karl Valentin Kabarett" directed by Giorgio Pressburger.</p> <p> He then worked at the Teatro Stabile in Rome with Luigi Squarzina, Olimpico in Vicenza with Sandro Sequi, in Bologna with Leo De Bernardinis, in San Miniato with Krzystof Zanussi.</p> <p> Again in Trieste, with the Stabile of Friuli Venezia Giulia, he participated in plays directed by Roberto Guicciardini, Giuseppe Patroni Griffi, Gabriele Lavia, Franco Però and Sandro Bolchi.</p> <p> With Contrada-Teatro Stabile of Trieste, he takes part in numerous shows directed by Francesco Macedonio, Antonio Calenda, Mario Licalsi, Patrick Rossi Gastaldi, Tonino Pulci, Elena Vitas, Antonio Salines, Sabrina Morena, Ulderico Manani and Vincenzo Salemme.</p> <p> Among the most recent theatre productions "The Method" by Jordi Galceran and directed by Andrea Collavino and "Trst mesto v Vojni / Trieste, a city at war" directed by Igor Pison, "As the horses sleep standing" by and with Paul Rumiz and "Social Comedy" directed by Marko Sosi.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Cristina_milovan_photo-1490306275" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Cristina Milovan (project coordinator) - born in Trieste, where she discovered a passion for cinema as a child. After living in Hong Kong and Canada during her teenage years she went to England where she studied film, theatre and television at the University of Reading. She worked as an editor in London in a film animation production company and came back to Trieste in 2015 where she continued to work in the field of post production collaborating on various projects in the Trieste area. Over the years she has collaborated with Carmelo 7mbrino in projects linked to the territory including the short film 'Kleine Berlin - The Little Berlin of Trieste' and the Street view live contest TurismoFVG advertisement contest winner.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Robertosrelz-rd-2513-1492079764" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Alessandro Bolettieri </strong><em>(Ufficio stampa e comunicazione) -</em> Laureato in Scienze della Comunicazione, si specializza in cinema ed editoria a Roma e, successivamente in progettazione e marketing culturale. Lavorativamente si muove a 360 gradi proprio nell’ambito comunicativo, lavorando come web designer in una società di comunicazione visiva in Spagna, come sviluppatore, di nuovo a Roma, in una società di ICT e successivamente come webmaster da freelance; redige blog e campagne comunicative per diverse associazioni e progetti cinematografici, lavora come grafico editoriale, conduce un programma radiofonico musicale per approdare infine all’ambito dell’editing video e del video making in generale. Nell’ultimo anno collabora a diversi progetti a Trieste come montatore video. Mosso da una curiosità intellettuale irrefrenabile, ha sempre voglia di imparare cose nuove per sfuggire alla “condanna” di fare sempre la stessa cosa per tutta la vita! Ritiene che tra lo stato di Veglia e il Sogno il confine sia più sottile di quello che si è soliti pensare.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Img-20170413-wa0003-1492506448" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> <strong>Lorenzo Sciuca</strong> <em>(operatore video) -</em> Classe 1988, nato a Trieste, gli piazzano una macchina fotografica in mano sin da subito e passa infanzia e adolescenza a fotografare, a 18 anni riceve la sua prima videocamera e nel 2008 vince l'edizione del concorso "Questa volta metti in scena l'onda”. Nel 2011 frequenta un corso di produzioni audiovisive organizzato da Radio in Corso, inizia la collaborazione con Blooperslab che lo porterà a partecipare a diversi progetti. Nel 2014 si laurea in Comunicazione Multimediale e Tecnologie dell'Informazione a Pordenone. Nel 2016 parte alla volta delle Canarie per un lavoro fotografico, torna a Trieste e rimane a caccia di progetti e nuove avventure.</p> <p>  </p> <p> <img alt="Logo_radioincorso_piccolo-1490620794" src=""></p> <p>  </p> <p> Radio In Corso is a social promotion association and is the web radio of the University of Trieste.</p> <p> It provides training and services in 360 degree communication.</p> <p> It was awarded as the best web radio of Friuli Venezia Giulia, and has been engaged for decades in the promotion and enhancement of all realities that express value content and creative wisdom.</p> <p>  </p> <p>  </p>

Allocation of funds

<p> With the result of the collection we intend to cover some of the expenses already incurred and to support the realization of the short film.</p> <p lang="en-US">  </p> <p lang="en-US"> The total budget needed for the project is € 60,000, most of which we are receiving from private sponsors and the interest in the project is very concrete also by the institutions and public bodies.</p> <p lang="en-US">  </p> <p lang="en-US"> Thanks to your contribution we can</p> <p lang="en-US">  </p> <p lang="en-US"> - finish animation: as explained, a long and expensive work;</p> <p lang="en-US"> - reimburse the professionals who participated and the other figures who will collaborate in finalizing the product;</p> <p lang="en-US"> - promote Trieste Sogna in the most prestigious circuits linked to this language: festivals, reviews, competitions;</p> <p lang="en-US"> - pack and distribute the short together with Paola Ramella's boards.</p> <p lang="en-US">  </p> <p lang="en-US"> We need your help to make this dream come true and share this extraordinary story with as many people as possible, who knows, it might become a contemporary myth.</p> <p lang="en-US">  </p> <p lang="en-US"> The choice to turn to you was inspired by the desire that Trieste Sogna belongs to everyone who support the project. We like the idea that a piece of this work can belong to every single person that contributes to realizing it. Independent cinema depends on you!</p> <p lang="en-US">  </p> <p lang="en-US"> A collective dream can become a real dream.</p>



DREAMSAVER You will receive an image taken from the short film which you can use as a desk-top background or screensaver.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


DIGITAL DREAM - You will receive the short film in digital form via wetransfer.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


DVDREAM - Thanks for your support! You will receive a postcard with one of the boards from Pao-lo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD to be collected in Trieste.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


TICKET TO DREAM - A special ticket for the first screening in Trieste and a fantastic Trieste Sogna brooch! You will also receive the DVDREAM prize (a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD).

Estimated delivery: December 2017


DREAMTIME - It’s time to dream! Besides the TICKET TO DREAM prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD), you will receive the official incredible Trieste Sogna magnet-bottle opener.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


DREAM WIZARD - Thanks for your help! With this amount you will receive all the DREAMTIME prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ra-mella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener) and the unique and original Trie-ste Sogna poster but also our special thanks in the CREDITS.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


DREAM MASTER - By supporting this project, besides the DREAM WIZARD prizes (a special tick-et/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster) you will receive a wonderful t-shirt the images from the short film.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


DREAM DREAM DREAM - If you’re a great dreamer and also very concrete: the DREAM MASTER prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ra-mella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits) + an elegant statue created by a local artist for Trieste Sogna.

Estimated delivery: December 2017


    SPRITZ DREAM - The person of your dreams will materialise but not just one! Besides the DREAM DREAM DREAM prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue) you will be officially invited to an amazing aperitif with the authors!

    Estimated delivery: December 2017


      3D DREAM - Grazie davvero per il tuo aiuto! Oltre ai premi di DREAM MASTER (biglietto/spilla + 1 cartolina con la riproduzione di una tavola di Paola Ramella + corto in dvd autografato + magnete-apribottiglie + poster + t-shirt + ringraziamenti nei titoli di coda) per te anche una statuina tridimensionale della splendida Tergestea realizzata appositamente per Trieste Sogna. Thanks so much for all your help! Besides the DREAM MASTER prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue) you will receive a 3D statue of the great Tergestea created solely for Trieste Sogna.

      Estimated delivery: December 2017


        DINNER DREAM - Yes, it’s not just a day dream: to thank you in person for your generosity besi-des the DREAM DREAM DREAM prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue) you will be invited to a dinner with the authors (and you never know, Paola Ramella might give you an autograph!).

        Estimated delivery: December 2017


          DREAM NIGHT - A nightly boat search for Tergestea during the full moon for 2 people, will you stay until dawn to look for her? For you, also everything that was included in the DREAM DREAM DREAM prize (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue)

          Estimated delivery: December 2017


            DREAM VISION - Thanks for sharing our oneiric vision with us! You will receive all the DREAM DREAM DREAM prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue) + 3 incredible drawing lessons with Paola Ramella. The course will be held in Trieste, at the Grafite school, it will last 3 days and Paola guarantees that your way of seeing the world will never be the same!

            Estimated delivery: December 2017


              DREAM STEEL - For your generosity you have earned, besides the DREAM DREAM DREAM priz-es (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue), a sculpture made by hand in Trieste, a lasting memory of you belonging to this Dream.

              Estimated delivery: December 2017


              DREAM TEAM - You’re part of our dream team! Besides the DREAM DREAM DREAM prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue) your NAME or LOGO will be in our CREDITS!

              Estimated delivery: December 2017


              DREAM AD HOC Se hai un'idea non elencata tra le altre ricompense, parlarcene ed insieme ne decideremo una adatta a te!

              Estimated delivery: December 2017


              GOLDEN DREAM - Golden dreamer! Besides the DREAM DREAM DREAM prizes (a special tick-et/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue) your NAME or LOGO will be in our CREDITS and on the COVER OF THE DVD + an event with a scree-ning.

              Estimated delivery: December 2017


              START DREAM - Besides the DREAM DREAM DREAM prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue) your NAME or LOGO will be in our CREDITS and on the COVER OF THE DVD + an event with a screening + a dream guest!

              Estimated delivery: December 2017


              DREAM COME TRUE - We have no words, thank you! Paola will draw an original board for you to remember this dream you helped us realize. You will receive all the GOLDEN DREAM prizes (a special ticket/Trieste Sogna brooch + a postcard with one of the boards from Paolo Ramella + the autographed short film in DVD + magnet-bottle opener + poster + t-shirt + thanks in the credits + statue + your NAME or LOGO will be in our CREDITS and on the COVER OF THE DVD + an event with a screening + a dream guest).

              Estimated delivery: December 2017

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