Take part in the creation of ULTRA, hybrid & experimental piece. DANCE - DIGITAL ART - VIDEO - MUSIC - TEXT - MENTAL HEALTH

Project visual ULTRA
End date
Out of €4,341
113 %


Inspired by the extended field of research in psychology, ULTRA aims to help destigmatize representations related to mental disorders and to raise awareness about modern therapeutic approaches. Delivered in a hybrid and experimental form, this duet is the invitation to live a sensory, vibrant and intimate experience. The spectator will be immersed in a space sculpted by light that will shake the senses and thoughts and play with the conscious and non-conscious perceptions. By means of various artistic media, ULTRA encourages one to consider the meaning and place of psychological well-being as well as psychological betterment. CREDITS : CONCEPT, CHOREOGRAPHY, PERFORMANCE BRIAN CA & JULIA RIEDER DIGITAL STAGE DESIGN CAILLOU MICHAEL VARLET INSTALLATION BRIAN CA VIDEO NATHAN PRAMUDIYA ISHAR MUSIC NAHAMASY TEXT ANAHID DJALALI ASSISTANT SARAH BALTZINGER INTENTION BRIAN CA's research is based on individuals' identity construction and the impact of psycho-emotionnal factors related to their sociocultural and intimate environment. He aims to create interdisciplinary objects proposing different stage forms or performances by collaborating with artists and researcher from diverses background. For ULTRA, Brian associates with JULIA RIEDER, artist and student in psychology in order to co-create and perform this work based on the modern psychotherapeutic methods. Their mutual interest in the human mental and behavioral processes and the worldwide aggravation of mental health due to COVID-19, drive them to start this project. A CURRENT NECESSITY FROM CONCEPT TO STAGE 20 luminous poles of two meters oriented towards the public are installed at the back of the stage. The whole scenography is controlled using softwares which make it possible to control each luminous pole in perfect correlation with the music and the bodies. Modulating the sensory experience, the light diffuses to change our relationship to space : The shadows stretch and transform, the lighting constantly reveals and readjusts the depth of field that separates the spectator from the performers. Very inspired by neuroscience research, (mirror neurons, attentional spot, ...) we seek to weave this cognitive relationship that binds the dancer to the public. Like a Rorschach test, the bodies integrated into the scenography become images, situations, events. This process leaves free interpretation to the spectator in his understanding of the actions taking place on the stage, seeking to disrupt our spatio-temporal perception : flash images, subliminal images, projective drawings, direct or unconscious understanding, appearances, disappearances, anonymity and waking dream. Interviews with health professionals, caregivers, art therapists, people affected by mental disorders or psychic difficulties are part of the process and a dramaturgical writing tool that may be used as sound material on stage. Conceptual films around themes such as invisible suffering, well-being as well as places that can represent it (museums, theatre, religion, etc.) will be projected and "mis en abîme" on 2 parallel screens (television size in front, cinema screen size in the background). We will offer a poetic, analytical or even narrative reading of the subject addressed in the piece. The principle of minimal to maximal (by the size of the screens, but also the scenography, the dance, and the evolution of meaning) is one of the major common thread of the piece. ULTRA aims to articulate 5 artistic media in symbiosis: dance, digital art, video, writing and music, in order to bring out a new form on stage. More than a performance at the heart of an installation, ULTRA is a complex interweaving of 5 interdependent entities. The first excerpt of ULTRA will be performed at TalentLab at Grand Théâtre de la Ville du Luxembourg in June 2022. LE BALLET POPULAIRE ULTRA is a production of LE BALLET POPULAIRE, contemporary dance company currently based in Aix-en-Provence. Non profit organization created in 2020 under the initiative of BRIAN CA, the company tends to produce interdisciplinary live shows that notably combine technological, dramaturgical and choreographic innovation dealing with current social issues as well as all matters related to Humankind, his behavior and environment. This BALLET imagined by the artist aims to become a repertoire company of international stature both by the quality of its productions and by the excellence of the guest artists. The productions of the company are not only aimed at an elite of contemporary art but also at the whole of the people. Through its POPULAR dimension, the company advocates the artistic and social inclusion of all people, regardless of age, nationality, sexual orientation or gender, and seeks to democratize contemporary creation and artistic practices for all types of public, even neophyte. The association takes on the social mission of carrying out awareness-raising actions in various forms, intended for everyone with particular attention to youth and disadvantaged groups (prison, disability, immigration, retirement, among others).

Allocation of funds

This crowfunding aims to finance : GOAL 1 : 4341,04€ - The purchase of the digital design that can be taken apart and easily transportable. (2642,04€) - The purchase of MADMAPPER License, software that allows to control the digital design and video projection. (399€) - The purchase of a digital screen and furniture to support the stage design and fix the LEDs bars. (approx. 700€) - Professionnal suitcases for transport. (approx. 600€) GOAL 2 : 4807,80€ - This goal aims to finance the transport, hosting, salary and per diems for the team during a week in order to record the movies that will be projected on the opera screen. TOTAL CROWFUNDING : 9148,84€




  • 6 contributions
Thanks for your support :)



  • 4 contributions
Thank you from the whole team of ULTRA :D



  • 33 contributions
Your name will appear in the thanks on our social media & public communication about the project ! :D

Estimated delivery: May 2022



  • 25 contributions
Get an access to the documentary movie made by Nathan Pramudiya Ishar about the creation process of ULTRA !

Estimated delivery: July 2022



  • 16 contributions
Get an invitation to the performance of ULTRA !

Estimated delivery: June 2022



Get a privileged access to a private rehearsal of the project !

Estimated delivery: June 2022



  • 3 contributions
A special pack that includes the documentary movie, an access to private rehearsal + an invitation for the show !



  • 1 contribution
This is the special contribution of this crodfunding ! Enjoy a private online performance created especially for the occasion + a discussion with Julia Rieder & Brian Ca !



  • 4 contributions
A special pack that includes the documentary movie, an access to private rehearsal, an invitation for the show, the recording of the show and the online private performance!



  • 1 contribution
In return for your donation, enjoy a private performance of BODY EXPERIENCE, a solo choreographed and performed by Brian Ca! Attention: This reward is only available for: France, Switzerland, Belgium, Luxembourg. Date of the performance to be defined with the artist. For more information: https://brianca.format.com/body-experience-serie

Estimated delivery: November 2022



Get a voucher of a value of 400€ to buy an art print of a photography by Brian Ca (from the shop https://brianca.format.com/shop).



Get a professional photoshoot with Brian Ca ! Including 5 digital pictures fully reworked + a print

Estimated delivery: July 2022



Get an week-end introduction to photography and use of a professionnal camera with Brian Ca. Discover the settings, the use of the different type of lights, colours and shape, as well as portrait's techniques !



  • 1 contribution
Become a donator of the company and get privileged access to shows and private events !



    Get a voucher of 1000€ and become the owner of limited edition or unique ART PRINT by BRIAN CA, signed and numbered with authenticity certificate. Choose from his shop (https://brianca.format.com/shop)



    Become a great donator of the company and get privileged access to shows & private events !

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