UTC (série "S.1985 - ".) +1
We request your help for printing a book of photos from our project UTC (series " 1985 - ".) +1.</p>
<strong>UTC (série « S.1985 - ».) +1 project</strong></p>
<strong>Sophie L. & Vincent Louis Joseph</strong></p>
The intimate is one of the components of this project, not only in the contents of the photographs but also in their association.</p>
The association of Sophie L.’s and Vincent Louis Joseph’s series symbolizes their union, photography being at the heart of their personal story.</p>
Beyond a photographic project, UTC (série « S.1985 - ».) +1 is a concept, a testimony to this story.</p>
UTC (Universal Time Coordinated) is the primary standard by which the world regulates clocks and time. It is one of the several closely-related successors to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time).</p>
The series « S.1985 - ». by Vincent Louis Joseph gathers photographs, digital images, Polaroid and films showing Sophie L., who has been his muse since they met in May 1985.</p>
Every picture is dated as a reference.</p>
Beyond its intimate aspect, the series introduces the notion of time.</p>
S. means Sophie.</p>
1985 is the year the story began.</p>
Followed by a dash, that opens on the space of an unspecified end date, references the inscriptions one reads on gravestones.</p>
+1 indicates where the story was born and where it is been lived since</p>
(UTC +1 = Paris).</p>
UTC and +1 collect the places photographed by Sophie L. and strive to put their story in its proper context.</p>
The prints are presented mainly as diptychs or triptychs. Their captions confront some themes with the time (ex. : fragance 7 = fragance 7 th year/ 1991), some composed of feature objects, clothes or documents connected to this story, and carry the caption en/in stock #xxx.</p>
<img alt="Cartekkbb" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/100246/carteKKBB.jpg"></p>