April 18, 2017
Velvet Kills - Debut LP - Mischievous Urges
Rhythmic, unexpected, erotic and sarcastic. Velvet Kills need your help to finish their first full length LP - Mischievous Urges.
End date
Out of €3,000
101 %
Velvet Kills - Debut LP - Mischievous Urges
<img alt="17880577_717488128412253_9112364740786079647_o-1492524123" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/414386/17880577_717488128412253_9112364740786079647_o-1492524123.jpg"><strong>More </strong></p>
<strong>Updates : </strong>So for those of you who haven't heard yet we've just been offered a partnership with <strong>Unknown Pleasures Records</strong> :D So this means our LP <em>Mischievous Urges </em>will now be released simultaneously by Oráculo Records and Unknown Pleasures Records. So we send out an <strong>Extra Big Thanks </strong>to everyone who has contributed/shared and to KissKissBankBank for helping us spread the word!! :)<strong> You rock!! </strong></p>
<strong>Update: </strong>If anyone is having problems donating, just click on the big blue button near the top of the page on the right hand side the says <strong>"Back this project"</strong>. If you are still having trouble remember you can always give directly to our Paypal account @ <strong>velvetkills@gmail.com</strong></p>
Thanks again!! :)</p>
<a href="https://www.facebook.com/velvetkills/" target="_blank">Velvet Kills</a> is a thoroughly modern and urban endeavour, speaking directly to today’s society - with all its anxiety, addictions, and destructiveness as well as it's exhilaration. You'll find in their driving beats raw emotion, and a terrific darkness. The sound is complex, almost abstract - a combination of cinematic textures, gritty guitars, and potent vocals.</p>
Velvet Kills is Susana Santos on vocals/bass and Harris Iveson on guitar/synths.</p>
<img alt="15625829_656152247879175_440606402102863464_o_1_-1489454105" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/402540/15625829_656152247879175_440606402102863464_o_1_-1489454105.jpg"></p>
The group's music and attitude have been shaped by the influences of bands and artists such as Alan Vega, Sisters of Mercy, Malaria!, Brian Eno, Iggy Pop, The Clash, and Lou Reed.</p>
Velvet Kills came to life in 2015 when the two members met on a trance dance floor and found their mutual love for rock n' roll, synths and beige Steinberger guitars. Velvet Kills has since developed a steady following, leading to their debut EP - <strong>Memory</strong> released in March 2016 and a European Tour in Fall and Winter 2016 marking the end of their Memory era and moving them into their next phase. </p>
In early December 2016 the music video Fill Me Out was premiered by <a href="https://www.facebook.com/darkitalia/" target="_blank">Darkitalia - Webzine</a> introducing the new LP - <strong>Mischievous Urges</strong>, to be released in Spring 2017 with <strong>Oráculo Records</strong>.</p>
Two of Velvet Kills music videos, Red Shoes directed by Ron Goldstein and Fill Me Out directed by Art Mistake, were selected for the 3rd Edition of MUVI - International Festival of Music and Cinema and presented in the Cinema São Jorge of Lisbon in December 2016.</p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FgVprrZ_6Ju0%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DgVprrZ_6Ju0&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FgVprrZ_6Ju0%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FVKDfGlAcPD0%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DVKDfGlAcPD0&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FVKDfGlAcPD0%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
Allocation of funds
<strong>More Updates : </strong>So for those of you who haven't heard yet we've just been offered a partnership with <strong>Unknown Pleasures Records</strong> :D So this means our LP <em>Mischievous Urges </em>will now be released simultaneously by Oráculo Records and Unknown Pleasures Records. So we send out an <strong>Extra Big Thanks </strong>to everyone who has contributed/shared and to KissKissBankBank for helping us spread the word!! :)<strong> You rock!! </strong></p>
<strong>Update: </strong>If anyone is having problems donating, just click on the big blue button near the top of the page on the right hand side the says <strong>"Back this project"</strong>. If you are still having trouble remember you can always give directly to our Paypal account @ <strong>velvetkills@gmail.com</strong></p>
Thanks again!! :)</p>
" I’m calling from Mars.</p>
Can you hear me? </p>
I’m calling to tell you about our vision. </p>
Planet Earth needs Help!</p>
Planet Earth needs to support</p>
the universal language..... Art!</p>
Without Art Humankind will turn</p>
into cold machines with hearts of stone. </p>
Time is expensive in Planet Earth.</p>
Humankind is stuck inside it’s society,</p>
distracted and confused.</p>
Art must prevail</p>
and creativity must become contagious! </p>
In a scream of freedom</p>
Velvet Kills translated their music into Art.</p>
The clock doesn’t stop.</p>
Mischievous Urges needs to be completed! </p>
Art must prevail</p>
and creativity must become contagious. </p>
And then we saw Humankind</p>
sharing and supporting.</p>
They became Love,</p>
they became Art</p>
they became Happy,</p>
they inspired others. </p>
We need you help!! " </p>
<em>-Transcript from our crowdfunding video "Calling from Mars" </em></p>
Velvet Kills is a truly DIY project. By this we mean that we do everything from the ground up. We compose, record, and mix the music. We produce, film and edit the videos. We plan and book the tours, make the flyers and manage promotion, and until now we've been fully self-funded.</p>
But of course no DIY project would exist without the help of good friends and people who believe in the project, people like all of you who are reading this now, and this is why we've come to you.</p>
We need your help.</p>
We've been offered the record deal that we've been waiting for, a high quality, limited edition vinyl pressing of our next album and it's being released by <strong>Oráculo Records</strong>, a record label that we have a lot of admiration for and that we've been following closely for years. This is a dream come true! </p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fembed%2FQfD2yhFGC_E%3Fwmode%3Dopaque%26feature%3Doembed&wmode=opaque&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DQfD2yhFGC_E&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2FQfD2yhFGC_E%2Fhqdefault.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=youtube" width="540"></iframe></p>
We're now in the midst of recording that album, our first LP Mischievous Urges, and on top of that we're organizing a tour across Europe to promote the album.</p>
<strong>So why <i>€3,000? </i></strong></p>
The basic costs of a 14 day tour for our project are</p>
<i>- Gas & Tolls: €1,500</i></p>
<i>- Hotels: €700</i></p>
We'll also be producing merchandise such as t-shirts, bags and CD's to be used as gifts for this crowdfunding and later for sale on tour.</p>
<i>- T-shirts/Bags:</i> <i>€1000</i></p>
<i>- CD's - </i><i>€600</i></p>
<i>Making a total of </i><i>€3,800</i></p>
This of course doesn't include the hours of composing, recording and mixing, the hours of contacting and recontacting venues and promoters, the hours of social media and website management and content creation, the cost of equipment maintenance, investment in new equipment, the design of merchandise, KissKissBankBank's cut...... the list goes on.</p>
So yes in the end it will cost quite a bit more than <i>€3,000 </i>but fortunately we're able to do the majority of this work our selves and we have the help our friends at Oráculo Records who will handle the cost of mastering and printing to vinyl. This is a huge help and we're very grateful.</p>
We work hard everyday, usually more than 10 hours, sometimes more than 20. Weekends lose their names and there are no holidays. For the past 2 years we've invested 100% of our time and money into this project but there is a limit and there comes a time when asking for help is the way to move forward.</p>
<strong>We need your help!</strong></p>
We would like to suggest to you an exchange, an exchange of energy one could say. Your hard-earned investment for our hard-earned investment. For this we've designed a variety of carefully selected packages of our art, a way to show our gratitude to you.</p>
<strong>What if we exceed our goal?</strong></p>
Right now we're asking for <i>€3,000, </i>the bare minimum that we need to release our LP <strong><i>Mischievous Urges</i> </strong>and to make our next tour but it doesn't have to stop there. In the fortunate event that we exceed our goal, we have two projects in mind that we think you'll really enjoy. The first will be to finish our next music video <strong>Eyes of the Snake</strong>, a surreal adventure into the minds of Velvet Kills and some of our close friends. If we exceed our goal and reach €4,000<i>,</i> each supporter that has helped us will receive in their inbox a link to a pre-release version of the music video as soon as it's finished. The next will be to record and release a full length live album. So if we exceed our goal and reach €6,000, each supporter that has given more than €50 will also receive in their inbox a link to a digital download of Velvet Kills: Live.</p>
Thank you all for your time and support and may art and love thrive in your lives as it has in ours :)</p>
Warmly, Susana & Harris</p>
Velvet Kills</p>
- 1 contribution
A heartfelt "Thank You" and mention on our FaceBook page.
Estimated delivery: June 2017
- 4 contributions
Digital download of LP - Mischievous Urges + heartfelt "Thank You" on FB + the knowledge that you helped us reach our goal :)
Estimated delivery: June 2017
- 3 contributions
Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + our EP - Memory + heartfelt "Thank You" on FB
Estimated delivery: June 2017
- 5 contributions
CD of LP - Mischievous Urges + heart felt "Thank You" on FB.
(Unfortunately for our friends outside of Portugal this gift doesn't include shipping costs)
Estimated delivery: June 2017
- 1 contribution
Velvet Kills Tote Bag + Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + EP - Memory + heart felt "Thank You" on FB.
(Unfortunately for our friends outside of Portugal this gift doesn't include shipping costs.)
Estimated delivery: June 2017
Velvet Kills T-Shirt + Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + our EP - Memory + heart felt "Thank You" on FB.
(Unfortunately for our friends outside of Portugal this gift doesn't include shipping costs.)
Estimated delivery: June 2017
- 2 contributions
Signed CD of LP - Mischievous Urges + Tote Bag + Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + EP - Memory + heart felt "Thank You" on FB. (Unfortunately for our friends outside of Portugal this gift doesn't include shipping costs.)
Estimated delivery: June 2017
Signed CD of LP - Mischievous Urges + T-Shirt + Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + EP - Memory + heart felt "Thank You" on FB. (Unfortunately for our friends outside of Portugal this gift doesn't include shipping costs.)
Estimated delivery: June 2017
Signed CD of LP - Mischievous Urges + T-Shirt + Tote Bag + Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + EP - Memory + heart felt "Thank You" on FB. (Unfortunately for our friends outside of Europe this gift doesn't include shipping costs.)
Estimated delivery: June 2017
- 3 contributions
Digital Book of photos, digital art & lyric sheets designed specifically for our crowdfunding funders + Signed CD of LP - Mischievous Urges + T-Shirt + Tote Bag + Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + EP - Memory + heart felt "Thank You" on FB. (Unfortunately for our friends outside of Portugal this gift doesn't include shipping costs.)
- 1 contribution
Private concert for you and your friends + Signed CD of LP - Mischievous Urges + T-Shirt + Tote Bag + Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + EP - Memory + heart felt "Thank You" on FB. (Unfortunately for our friends outside of Europe this gift doesn't include travel expenses unless we happen to be on tour at the time near your home :)
Estimated delivery: June 2017
An original painting "Life's a dance floor"
61X84cm Acrylic/Collage by Susana + Private concert for you and your friends + Signed CD of LP - Mischievous Urges + T-Shirt + Digital downloads of LP - Mischievous Urges + EP - Memory + heart felt "Thank You" on our official website. (Unfortunately for our friends outside of Europe this gift doesn't include travel expenses unless we happen to be on tour at the time near your home :)