Background and Objective Once, on this very planet, there was a time when one could understand the inner workings of a computer almost down to the bit level. The hardware was supplied with schematics and the software source code was provided. Are those days behind us and forever lost in the memory of old timers? Z79Forth is an effort to prove that it is not the case and that the KISS (Keep it Simple Stupid) principle can still produce a fully understandable computer. It is offered to folks who are not afraid of electronics assembly and are willing to learn the Forth programming language. Object The deliverable of this project is an electronic kit that buyers will have to put together by themselves. It is a single board computer that keeps open the door to further hardware developments. Its main features are: 4 megahertz Hitachi HD63C09E processor (Motorola MC6809 compatible). 8 kilobyte EEPROM Forth resident firmware. 32 kilobytes of static RAM of which 25 remain available to applications. 64 megabytes of CompactFlash mass storage. serial line communication over USB or RS232 (115200 or 38400 bits per second). a connector for off-board extended functionality. USB phone charger (supplied) powered via a mini-B plug. very low power consumption: less than 1 watt in most cases. Some of the components used in this kit are collector's items, only available on ebay. Overall quality is a primary concern. This is reflected by the selection of screw machine IC sockets. The supplied firmware is Open Source; it is the result of 4 years of off and on development work. Once the kit is assembled, buyers of this platform will be able to think of themselves of owners of a computer that is only available as a limited edition. Variants Depending on your willingness to go down the memory lane, you may select either of the following standard compliant implementations of the Forth language: the 79-STANDARD specification which might be considered by some as being only of historic value. the ANS94 specification which allows contemporary code to be ported easily.