Another World

Help me make my second short film, a story about a girl who discovers that the only way she can breath is underwater.

Visuel du projet Another World
Date de fin
2 120 €
Sur 2 000 €
106 %
possible2928 jours

It is a Marta's and her friends fine project . I hope the goal will be achieve and we can watch the video very soon!! Good luck

giocommi2929 jours

Marta, spero di vedere presto Another World! In bocca balena ;-)

laurapet2932 jours

in bocca nal lupo!

LinaPez2935 jours

In bocca al lupo! Lina Pezzuti

Ciao2935 jours


Alex.Crisafi2939 jours

Ciao Marta, in bocca al lupo. Checkout Filmstro for your soundtrack. E' una startup di amici

William_BS2940 jours

I love your art ! Hope this little donation will help a bit ! Keep up your amazing work and best of luck for your project ! :)