28 août 2016
Another World
Help me make my second short film, a story about a girl who discovers that the only way she can breath is underwater.
Date de fin
2 120 €
Sur 2 000 €
106 %
Another World
<strong><u>A part of your donations will go to the victims of the Italy earthquake.</u></strong></p>
<img alt="Redcross-1472379780" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/345197/redcross-1472379780.jpg"></p>
This is the story of a girl who suddenly cannot breathe normally in the air, but only in the water. She just begins to live in “Another World”, where everything is normal, but not the way of breathing.</p>
She understands it while walking along the street, and from that moment she tries to find different ways to breathe. At the beginning she tries to do it just continuing with a “normal” life. That’s why she needs to breath when she sees some water on the ground along the streets, after a long rainy day, or when she sees a fountain in the city. Rain is important for her, but it’s not enough. She finds out that going around with a wet fabric on her head is not that bad.</p>
She is not alone, since she finally sees another girl in her same situation while walking along the street. </p>
At the end, she just prefers to be always next to the water, in a bathtub, on the beach, or with an aquarium where she can put her head inside the water to breathe. </p>
She slowly becomes a water creature. </p>
<img alt="Das17-1472256312" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/345026/das17-1472256312.jpg"></p>
<strong>The team</strong></p>
<strong>Marta Bevacqua (director)</strong></p>
I’m Marta, I am a photographer and I’ve just started working on videos recently. I must say I totally love doing it. </p>
I’m italian and I live in Paris since almost 3 years. I started with photography some years ago, and after some time I got into fashion. Right now I am mainly a fashion photography although I love working on my personal artistic projects. </p>
You can check my works here: www.martabevacquaphotography.com</p>
Recently I’ve started realizing videos, after long time I wanted to try. Can’t wait to realize this second one!</p>
I’ve worked a lot into water (underwater but not only), and finally I can realize a project totally based on water. This is the most perfect element, always adapting on everything, so versatile, moving unceasingly. This is probably one of the strangest and most beautiful natural things in our world. </p>
<strong>Alfredo Altamirano AMC (Cinematographer)</strong></p>
Alfredo is a French-Mexican cinematographer currently living between Paris and Mexico. He has worked in several feature films, short films, video clips and commercials. His work has been selected in festivals like Cannes, Berlin, and many other international film festivals.</p>
In advertising he has work for brands like Ford, Chevrolet, AT&T, Nestlé, Martin Margiela and Louis Vuitton.</p>
He is part of the Mexican Society of Cinematographers since 2015.</p>
Since Marta and Alfredo met each other they shares the same artistic views and a great sense of collaboration to make Marta´s still work into moving pictures.</p>
<strong>Pegase (Music)</strong></p>
French Pop music group form Nantes in France. This song is part of their third and new album coming out this fall. Their music is a perfect match for Marta´s work. This film was inspired in their new song "Another World".</p>
<strong>The collaboration</strong></p>
Marta and Alfredo worked together on Marta’s first short film. For her everything was new but she loved to do it and it turned out to be a beautiful project. It was an artistic personal project, with the beautiful music of Pegase. Thanks to the skills of Alfredo, they built up their team, in the hope it will bring to many other new projects.</p>
Check their first work together here: </p>
<iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" src="//cdn.embedly.com/widgets/media.html?src=https%3A%2F%2Fplayer.vimeo.com%2Fvideo%2F176357796&wmode=opaque&url=https%3A%2F%2Fvimeo.com%2F176357796&image=https%3A%2F%2Fi.vimeocdn.com%2Fvideo%2F583710517_1280.jpg&key=ff2702755d9749cda571c6d6c2f3eb46&type=text%2Fhtml&schema=vimeo" width="540"></iframe></p>
<strong>The project</strong></p>
This time we are working on a video clip. The story seems simple, but it’s not. We are happy to work for free on it, but we need a budget to prepare everything at the best, since we want to work on it at the maximum. </p>
We are young and we are always improving and learning giving the maximum on our new projects.</p>
We will film in mid september, our team is quite small but the film has a cost and that’s why we are asking your help.</p>
We will turn one day in Paris and two days in Pornic (Bretagne) where we found the perfect places for our film.</p>
<img alt="Nic14-1472256339" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/345027/nic14-1472256339.jpg"></p>
À quoi servira la collecte
The money will help us rent the camera, lenses, and production spences.</p>
Since we are not shooting in Paris we will also use the money for travel and accommodation to Pornic (west of France).</p>
This film has a lot of scenes underwater, and we need to get special equipment and make-up to do it.</p>
Thank you so much for your help!</p>
The budget for three days we have done for the moment is :</p>
600€ - Red Epic camera and accessories </p>
150€ - Make up</p>
150€ - Styling</p>
100€ - Props</p>
300€ - Food and production needs</p>
200€ - Train tickets for the crew</p>
200€ - Accommodation for the crew</p>
100€ - Project hard drives</p>
200€ - Donation for the victims of the Italy earthquake</p>
It's Marta here talking. As you might know, Italy has been hit by a distrasous earthquake that destroyed 3 cities in center of Italy, killed almost 300 people and left many many people without a roof and goods.</p>
I decided to help these people devolving a part of this money to the italian Croce Rossa (red cross) for them.</p>
I know it's just a little thing, and it's not so much. But this is the maximum I can do, turning this campaign to something useful for them also.</p>
From our budget, I will devolve for sure 200 € (and much more, if we surpass 2000 € -then it will be totally for this) to the Croce Rossa. If we don't pass our budget, then another percentage will be devolved for it, to reach a reasonable amount for helping.</p>
Thank you a lot.</p>
5 €
- 3 contributions
Special thanks in the credits
Livraison estimée : octobre 2016
20 €
- 7 contributions
Special thanks in the credits - A postcard of a still from the film (Europe Only)
Livraison estimée : octobre 2016
60 €
- 9 contributions
Special thanks in the credits - A 20cmx30cm signed print of your choice from a selection of Marta's photography
Livraison estimée : octobre 2016
120 €
- 2 contributions
Special thanks in the credits - A 20cmx30cm and a 30x40cm signed print of your choice from a selection of Marta's photography
Livraison estimée : octobre 2016
300 €
Special thanks in the credits - A 30cmx40cm and a 20x30cm signed print of your choice from a selection of Marta's photography - The two signed albums of Pegase - Invitation to come and see a photo shooting with Marta (France and Italy)
Livraison estimée : octobre 2016
Faire un don
Je donne ce que je veux
40 €
- 3 contributions
Special thanks in the credits - A postcard of a still from the film - The two signed albums of Pegase
Livraison estimée : octobre 2016