Antonio Valente's Intavolatura de Cimbalo

Help the production of my new solo CD that will be released by Brilliant Classics worldwide. Join me in this new adventure !

Visuel du projet Antonio Valente's Intavolatura de Cimbalo
Date de fin
2 251 €
Sur 2 000 €
112 %

Les publications

<p> YEAHHHH! We got it! <span class="_47e3 _5mfr" title="émoticône smile"><img alt="" class="img" height="16" src="" width="16" /><span class="_7oe"> </span></span>&Ccedil;a y est! <span class="_47e3 _5mfr" title="émoticône smile"><img alt="" class="img" height="16" src="" width="16" /><span class="_7oe"> </span></span>Ce l&#39;abbiamo fatta! <span class="_47e3 _5mfr" title="émoticône smile"><img alt="" class="img" height="16" src="" width="16" /><span class="_7oe"> </span></span></p> <p> Thank you so much to everyone! <span class="_47e3 _5mfr" title="émoticône smile"><img alt="" class="img" height="16" src="" width="16" /><span class="_7oe"> </span></span>Un grand merci! <span class="_47e3 _5mfr" title="émoticône smile"><img alt="" class="img" height="16" src="" width="16" /></span> Grazie a tutti! <span class="_47e3 _5mfr" title="émoticône smile"><img alt="" class="img" height="16" src="" width="16" /></span></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <span class="_47e3 _5mfr" title="émoticône smile"><img alt="Ddd-1-1495962600" src="" /> &nbsp;</span></p>