10 jeunes. 10 micro-entrepreneurs.

Soutenez la création d'un fond de financement pour développer des Activités Génératrices de Revenus en zone rurale au Togo

Project visual 10 jeunes. 10 micro-entrepreneurs.
End date
Out of €2,000
100 %
Clémence Salgado3002 days

Félicitations Sabine pour ton investissement... BRAVO, CLemence

jdw3008 days

go go go!

SebCOM3010 days

Slt Sabine, courage ça va jouer!!! Bisous...

ruimalheiro3012 days

If you want to learn French, she is the teacher you'll want. Every class has a different way of learning, they are never boring and we are always waiting for the next one. I wish you the best of luck for your project. You deserve the best for your life. Bisous

dianaseabra3012 days

Sabine is a wonderful teacher!! She won't let you feel bored ever! Her creativity and energy will definitely make you talk! If you are looking for a fast way to start speaking french, Sabine is the best! She is also super sensitive and attentive to your own learning rhythm and creates a trusting environment for you to try, try, try, try and eventually succeed!!! :) Voilá!!

dianaseabra3012 days

Sabine!!! Muita muita sorte para o teu projeto!! Tenho a certeza que será apenas o início de outros projetos igualmente honrosos! Tenho muito orgulho em ti amiga!! Fico a aguardar registos fotográficos!! Beijinhos

burton.amanda.j@gmail.com3024 days

Sabine, bonne chance c'est super ce que tu fais! J'aimerai vraiment te parler avant que tu ne partes, big bisous. Amanda

wendy0843035 days

Animo Sabine!!! C'est un super projet! Gros bisous, j'espère que tu vas arriver à l'avoir! Bon courage ma belle!