Affekt, streetwear: unique and original pieces, handmade in Paris.

Support Affekt by helping me produce unique pieces. Affekt: a tribute to vintage and an ethical ode to the modernity of streetwear.

Project visual Affekt, streetwear: unique and original pieces, handmade in Paris.
End date
Out of €4,000
134 %
coco-constans2154 days

super projet, bon courage pour la suite

anouchka-jennings-22182 days

Good luck Marianne, Keep up the good work ...

Anne-de La Baume2188 days

Ravie que çà démarre vite et bien t'embrasse serai à Enghien mercredi Anne

Marianne-Beck2189 days

Merci beaucoup :)

quentin-besnard2190 days

Super projet !!! Hate de voir ça!

Marine-de Bouchony2190 days

Bravooo Marianne. I love Affekt

Lilian-Nassif2194 days

Wishing you an immense success with your project