October 22, 2013
Afrique : Aller (pas) simple
From Dakar to Cape Town, three months on the road, reporting and blogging about the importance of transport in Africa.

End date
Out of €3,000
103 %
Afrique : Aller (pas) simple
Three months to travel across 10.000 km, from Dakar (Senegal) to Cape Town (South Africa). By bus, taxi-brousse, motorcycle-taxi, boat, train, plane or bicycle. Start is on Octobre 20th, 2013 and money is still a bit short. If you believe in the project, dont hesitate to support it.</p>
<img alt="Photo_2_ok" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/40527/Photo_2_OK.JPG"></p>
<strong>Purpose of the trip:</strong></p>
What does the absence or the presence of transport actually mean for the people? What are the consequences when a train line like the Dakar-Bamako doesn’t work anymore? How is the state of trade on the Niger River, after the war in northern Mali? How is the port of Abidjan doing two years after the post-electoral crisis in Ivory Coast? And how does one travel in a country as large as the Democratic Republic of Congo? These are questions that I will try to answer through my stories.</p>
<a href="http://afriqueallerpassimple.com/" target="_blank">The weblog</a> will allow me to talk about the small or large troubles, the encounters made during the trip and small stories about the cities or villages along the way. It will be the diary of the trip.</p>
You can also follow <a href="http://www.facebook.com/AfriqueDesTransports" target="_blank">the project's Facebook Page.</a></p>
<strong>The route will go through: </strong></p>
Senegal, Mali, Ivory Coast and Ghana... then Cameroon, Gabon, Congo-Brazzaville and DRC, finally Zambia, Namibia et South Africa.</p>
<strong>Who will be travelling?</strong> Sébastien Martineau, 32. Freelance journalist, I just spent three years at the French for Africa Department of <a href="http://www.dw.de/francais" target="_blank">Deutsche Welle</a>. There, I used to produce a weekly radio show about Economy and Development.</p>
<img alt="Photo_3_ok" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/40811/Photo_3_OK.JPG"></p>
Allocation of funds
The funding will be used primarily to make this project possible, because nowadays it is very difficult to convince a media to fund this kind of trip. The money will pay at least a part of the costs of transport, accommodation and visas (they are now mandatory for almost all countries of the continent) during the three-month journey.</p>
- 9 contributions
Votre nom sera mentionné sur le blog du projet.
- 27 contributions
Votre nom sur le blog + un tirage papier 10x15 d'une photo de votre choix vue sur le blog
- 9 contributions
Votre nom sur le blog + un tirage papier 20x30 d'une photo de votre choix vue sur le blog
- 2 contributions
Votre nom sur le blog + trois tirages papier 20x30 de photos de votre choix vues sur le blog
- 6 contributions
Un CD avec une sélection des reportages audio réalisés pendant le voyage + votre nom sur le blog