Aidez la Compagnie Animotion à remonter la pente !

Help us keep our employee and find a new roof. About to be kicked out of the town that has been our home for 6 years : we need your help!

Project visual Aidez la Compagnie Animotion à remonter la pente !
End date
Out of €7,000
108 %
Tash3252 days

Good luck Hayli with your plans. I hope they can now go into action... all best wishes, Tash & Lars

Rikmcshane3253 days

BIsous et bonne chance xx Rik

Emma263254 days

Please continue the good work you are doing, but take care of your health. Love and best wishes Jennifer & Emma

Gina.Samardge3263 days

Thank you for the wonderful work you do! xo

M & M Distelrath3267 days

Good luck Haley. We are supporting you from the USA!!

Sylvain.B3268 days

Bisous !!

AYAM3269 days

My little drop of water in the ocean of your creation.

ensemblier du jardin3279 days


Romain.Larchevêque3284 days


stjgonzalez3286 days

:) xxX

Sarah-Jane.Gillman3296 days

Hello Hayli, Thank you for watching my BSL video, my husband and I have looked at your site and you do lovely, positive things and long may it continue, well done and best of luck raising the remaining funds. Sarah-Jane Gillman xxx

SilenceRacing3300 days

Hope you reach your goal, good luck from us at WIX Silence Racing, and from the worlds youngest Deaf competitive racing driver, Caleb McDuff.