November 11, 2013
CROSSINGS #3 - Promote cultural exchange
Support my participation in the CROSSINGS residence - 24 international artists in South Africa - one of 3 choreographers chosen worldwide!
End date
Out of €1,100
101 %
CROSSINGS #3 - Promote cultural exchange
I have been selected from amongst hundreds of international candidatures to participate as a choreographer in the Crossings #3- International Artistic Workshop 2013 in South Africa. (only three choreographers worldwide were chosen and only two from outside of the african continent). </p>
<i>From Novembre 8 -17th, Crossings #3 will bring together twenty four choreographers, composers, dancers and lighting designers from all over the world. During these ten days, the participants will explore creative avenues and artistic creation under the direction of established international mentors namely, Vincent Mantsoe, Germaine Acogny, James Webb and Floriaan Ganzevoort.</i></p>
I am delighted to have been chosen to participate in this very unique artistic residency. </p>
> During this workshop I hope to develop human and artistic relationships that will stimulate my creative process and change the way I look at my work and the world around me. </p>
> Crossings will provide an opportunity for me to collaborate and create with artists of different cultural backgrounds. </p>
> The cultural exchange will go both ways, I will also have the opportunity to share my personal artistic experience and my franco-american cultural heritage with these artists. </p>
> This past april, I taught contemporary dance for three weeks at the Ecole de Sables (School of Sand) of Germaine Acogny. This was an intensive human and artistic experience in which I met students from all over Africa, with different stylistic backgrounds (jazz, hip-hop, traditional african dance, contemporary and afro-contemporary dance) and shared my choreographic process with them in a pedagogical setting. This workshop will allow me to deepen my artistic relationship with Germaine Acogny, the director of the Ecole de Sables (School of Sand) in Senegal. </p>
> Some of my former students from Sénégal will participate in Crossings #3, this time I will have the chance to work with them again, this time as dancers and not only as students. </p>
Photo: Pendant le stage à l'ÉCOLE DES SABLES - Sénegale</p>
<img alt="P1130824" src=""></p>
Fin du workshop des trois semaines à L'Ecole des Sables avec les élèves </p>
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Allocation of funds
<strong>CROSSINGS is an artistic experience that goes both ways - a true creative exchange. </strong></p>
<strong>To give you a better idea of what I have to <i> give </i> to the CROSSINGS experience: </strong></p>
I work with breath and how it initiates and creates movement. Working with breath allows me to explore what is essential for me in dance: musicality and movement dynamics.</p>
Here is a photo of my most recent choreography entitled: THREE BREATHS (2013). This project was created in collaboration with Laurence Pagés. </p>
<img alt="Photo6_troissouffles" src=""></p>
Respiratory movement is the action that we use to breathe. Often perceived as an involuntary action, respiratory movement is intimately linked to our comportment, our relationship to gravity, our emotions, and our survival in this world. </p>
Here is a photo of Airtight (2011) - a duet for breath and ballon. Photo by: Anne Girard </p>
<img alt="Airtight4tc" src=""></p>
Although the action of breathing unites us all, our way of breathing distinguishes us from one another just as the color of our hair or the size of our hand. It reveals our inner and intimate state of being and our unique way of entering into contact with the world. It is my ambition that by creating choreography from this universal action, the audience have an immediate synergy with the dance, to enter into respiratory empathy with the dancers and to bring their attention to their own breath experience. </p>
In my choreographic process, these breath scores are interpreted by dancers who make movement choices stemming from the breath line. This puts the dancer in a position that is unique and active - creating movement from their personal sensation and singular way of interpreting the breathing pattern. This opens a structured creative dialogue which allows for a spirit of exchange, rather than hierarchy, in the relationship between the choreographer and the dancer. </p>
In a deep breath moment in Senegal: </p>
<img alt="S_negale" src=""></p>
<strong>what i hope that CROSSINGS will <i>give</i> to my work: </strong></p>
I feel that CROSSINGS is a residency that I will give me this opportunity to experiment my way of creating dance on dancers of diverse trainings - bringing new possibilities and horizons to my choreographic material. My dances develop from the quite minute and subtle initiation of the breath starting in the torso and resonating through the rest of the body. The precision and dynamic of the movement in the pelvis, spine and rib cage are essential to making the breath circulate clearly through the body - making this “breath dance” clear and visible to the spectator. In senegal, I was struck by the extraordinary mobility and percussive quality of the movement in the torso that I saw in the dancers. Coming from a dance training in which there is a high value place on verticality and canalizing the fluctuations of the spine, this hyper mobility of the torso was very interesting to me. It gave me the desire to see how a choreography emanating from the breath and the torso would be interpreted by these dancers! It will probably bring something very unexpected and new to my work! </p>
<strong><em>The French Institute of South Africa is sponsoring our housing and our accommodation, I need your support to fund my travel expenses! My situation is a little atypical: I am an american living in France for 12 yeas. I can neither ask for the french or american government support - I'm not french, and I don't live in America ! So I am turning to you for support ! </em></strong></p>
- 3 contributions
HUGS to all my dear supporters :)
note: must live in Ile de France area
- 8 contributions
*You will receive a daily update of my residency experience in South Africa
* A postcard from South Africa ( or from Charles de Gaulle airport depending on the postal system in South Africa)
- 2 contributions
*An invitation to participate in my special sponsor-only choregraphic workshop at the Studio Keller (75011 Paris) the 1st of Dcember
An unprecedented 3 hour discovery of my choreographic work : breathing exercises, a beginner contemporary dance class, a introduction to writing breath scores, and the opportunity to collaborate in a custom made choreography for my sponsor team
* You will receive a daily update of my residency experience in South Africa
* A postcard from South Africa ( or from Charles de Gaulle airport depending on the postal system in South Africa)
* A dvd of the final project created during the Crossings #3 Residency
*An invitation to participate in my special sponsor-only choregraphic workshop at the Studio Keller (75011 Paris) the 1st of Dcember An unprecedented 3 hour discovery of my choreographic work : breathing exercises, a beginner contemporary dance class, a introduction to writing breath scores, and the opportunity to collaborate in a custom made choreography for my sponsor team * You will receive a daily update of my residency experience in South Africa * A postcard from South Africa ( or from Charles de Gaulle airport depending on the postal system in South Africa)
- 2 contributions
* A dvd of the final project created during the Crossings #3 Residency
* Two tickets to see TROIS SOUFFLES at the Studio le Regard du Cygne in Paris, March 2014
* An invitation to participate in my special sponsor-only choregraphic workshop at the Studio Keller (75011 Paris) the 1st of Dcember An unprecedented 3 hour discovery of my choreographic work : breathing exercises, a beginner contemporary dance class, a introduction to writing breath scores, and the opportunity to collaborate in a custom made choreography for my sponsor team * You will receive a daily update of my residency experience in South Africa * A postcard from South Africa ( or from Charles de Gaulle airport depending on the postal system in South Africa)