January 6, 2014

End date
Out of €2,744
101 %
<p><strong>The « Men and Monkeys » project is an hymn to movement, it's a unique adventure in which, for the first time, monkeys and humans will be moving in the same environment : on the colorful roofs of Rajasthan! (India). Four Parkour enthusiasts are dreaming of flying away for 5 weeks, traveling 4500 miles away from their home to learn from monkey's agility and to share their experience through a documentary...</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Who are we ?</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p>We are four young people, all from Brittany. Three of us have been practicing Parkour for 8 years in the French Parkour group “West Coast Family” and two of us received cameraman, photography and video editing, formations and trainings.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>What is Parkour ?</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p>Parkour is a discipline that was developed by David Belle in the early 90's in the southern suburbs of Paris. Practicing Parkour is about learning how to overcome any obstacles within one's path whether it's urban or natural, and doing it as fast as possible.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>The person who practices Parkour (the tracer) diverts the different elements of a city from their original aims. Everyday, we seek a way to learn how to move faster, more smoothly, more precisely, overcoming increasingly difficult obstacles. We ruthlessly try to know our bodies(y?) and its limits until our movements become instinctive. Movement is a way of life (also french “art de vie”) for(to?) us. Parkour expresses a philosophy of respect for your own body, your environment, but it also promotes caution and humility.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="304" mozallowfullscreen="" src="http://player.vimeo.com/video/43952266" title="Jusqu'ici tout va bien" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="540"></iframe></p>
<p><em>A video of parkour and Freerunning of Alexander Yde, member of the Monkeys and Men project</em></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>Making a dream come true...</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p>The movements of animals are then an endless source of inspiration for us. The way in which monkeys move, jump, hang themselves hang, place their fingers or climb up walls, represents, to us tracers, an incomparable lesson despite our morphological differences.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>So, the aim of this adventure would be to make an old dream come true : the dream to go and observe, and learn from monkeys moving from roof to roof in the villages of Rajasthan. Our documentary will report this 5 weeks experience and tell the story of this encounter. The “Monkeys and Men” Project will draw a parallel between men and Monkeys moving across rooftops. It will be an opportunity to observe the differences and similarities between our movements and theirs, and will offer an alternate look on our own condition by creating an original theatre where human is seen as an animal.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="6660898045_c10b2e4c01" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/54850/6660898045_c10b2e4c01.jpg" /></p>
<p><em>A monkey moving In Bundi, Rajasthan, India </em></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>In Rajasthan!</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p>The small village of Bundi, in the north west of India, is the ideal place to shoot this documentary. It hosts an important family of monkeys that live in an abandoned palace of the 12th century, up on a hill that culminates the city. During the day, the monkeys go down in the streets to get (or steal) food. It is, supposedly, an incredible experience to witness them. They are jumping huge distances from a roof to an other, running from a house to an other, climbing up electric strings and walls, running around the ruins of the palace.</p>
<p>The entanglement of the colored rooftops is also an ideal spot to practice Parkour. It's amazingly photogenic.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><img alt="148879_1693917513727_3230489_n" src="https://kkbb-production.s3.amazonaws.com/uploads/project_image/image/54851/148879_1693917513727_3230489_n.jpg" /></p>
<p><em>The playing ground, Bundi</em></p>
Allocation of funds
<p>Going all the way across the world and shooting a documentary costs a lot of money and our status as students doesn't really allow us to cover all the costs.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>For reasons related to freedom of speech and ethics, we also think that documentaries about Parkour shouldn't be financed by the same firm selling energizing drinks. </strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>We chose to remain independent and to reach out to you to solicit your support.</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>The money raised will pay :</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p>- Travels by trains : 45x4 = 180€</p>
<p>- Travels by rickshaw : 50€</p>
<p>- Visa : 100x4 = 400€ - Two Passports : 86x2 = 172€</p>
<p>- “Sport voyage” insurance in the event of an accident : 150x4 = 600€</p>
<p>- Vaccines for typhoid (35x4) + Hepatitis A vaccines (43x4) + rabies vaccines (40x4) = 472€</p>
<p>- Malaria medications = 50x4 = 200€</p>
<p>- Housing = 450€</p>
<p>- Other expenses (temples entrance tickets, unforeseen, notice printing, pocket guides...) = 220€</p>
<p> </p>
<p>==> Or a total amount of <strong>2744€</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>We will ourselves invest for :</strong></p>
<p> </p>
<p>- Plane tickets : 750x4 = 3000€</p>
<p>- Numeric cameras + telephoto lens : 1750€</p>
<p>- Food : 4€/day for 40 days for 4 persons = 640€</p>
<p>- Traveling video set : 270€</p>
<p> </p>
<p>==> Or a total of <strong>5660€</strong> (<strong>1415€</strong>/person)</p>
<p> </p>
<p>All the other photography equipment : we already own semi-professional cameras, tripods, steady-cams, and this equipment will allow us to shoot a very high quality documentary.</p>
<p> </p>
<p> </p>
<p>We need your help to make this adventure possible ! No matter how big is your participation, it will make the difference!</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong>We sincerely thank you for your help and support ! Love you all !</strong></p>
- 4 contributions
Votre nom au générique +
Une invitation à la diffusion du court-métrage + Un mail de remerciement +
Notre reconnaissance éternelle ! Un bisous affectueux
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 9 contributions
Un bracelet "Parkour"/"Monkeys and men" + Votre nom au générique + Une invitation à la diffusion du court-métrage + Notre reconnaissance éternelle + Un gros bisous
Estimated delivery: April 2014

- 19 contributions
Le reportage sous forme numérique - Une photo inédite de notre aventure + Un bracelet "Parkour"/"Monkeys and men" + Votre nom au générique + Une invitation à la diffusion du court-métrage + Notre reconnaissance éternelle + Un très gros bisous
Estimated delivery: June 2014

- 22 contributions
Un T-shirt "Parkour" / "Des singes et des hommes" +
Le reportage sous forme numérique - Une photo inédite de notre aventure + Un bracelet "Parkour"/"Monkeys and men" + Votre nom au générique + Une invitation à la diffusion du court-métrage + Notre reconnaissance éternelle + Un câlin
Estimated delivery: June 2014
- 14 contributions
Le DVD du Reportage + Un T-shirt "Parkour" / "Des singes et des hommes" + Un tirage grand format d'une photo de notre aventure + Un bracelet "Parkour"/"Monkeys and men" + Votre nom au générique + Une invitation à la diffusion du court-métrage + Notre reconnaissance éternelle + Un énorme câlin !
Estimated delivery: June 2014