Ecuador, lointain intérieur

A film by Lionel Retornaz, tale of an intimate journey in Henri Michaux's footprints. Please help us to finance this documentary !

Project visual Ecuador, lointain intérieur
End date
Out of €6,000
105 %

The publications

<p> Dears donors,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Thanks to your generosity, Lionel got down to brass tacks last Summer : at the end of June, he came back from a two-months trip&nbsp;on Michaux&#39;s tracks&nbsp;in Ecuador and Brasil. He met cineasts, producers, some people who got passionate for the writer - and met an Ecuador, a Brasil and an Amazonia that changed a lot since Michaux got through them one century ago.&nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> He brought back several hours of images shot during the trip, with lots of interviews and impressions. He met people who make cinema in Ecuador, and came back with financing and coproduction tips.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Now he works on rewriting his project based on what he lived there, and preparing new teasers to switch to production phase : find private and public funds, in Europe and in Latin America, in order to travel there again for a real shooting, next year !</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> The adventure goes on...</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> <br /> Annabelle, producer</p>
<p> Hello,</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> It took some time but it is almost done !</p> <p> Thanks to your help, Lionel is about to start a location/first shooting trip from April 21st to June 24th.</p> <p> He will go on his own.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> On Michaux&#39;s footprints, he will arrive in Guayaquil, Ecuador.</p> <p> Then &nbsp;Quito &nbsp;and &nbsp;its &nbsp;neighborhood, &nbsp;</p> <p> Rio &nbsp;Napo &nbsp;until &nbsp;Iquitos &nbsp;(Peru),</p> <div> through the Amazon until Manaus (Brazil),</div> <div> then to the mouth of the river.&nbsp;</div> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> See you soon for news... on the road !</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> The director and his producer participated to Ecuadorian cinema&#39;s Week in Paris, October 21 to 26. We met the cultural attach&eacute; of the Embassy of Ecuador in France, who organised the event and supports our project. It was also a chance to meet producers and directors presenting the films they shot in Ecuador.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> These very nice encounters will help us to prepare and facilitate Lionel&#39;s upcoming trip.</p>
<p> Our project was selected to participate to the Coproduction Meeting between France, Switzerland and Italy, organized by MEDIA and to be held in Nice next October, 11.</p> <p> Producer Annabelle Bouzom will be there to talk about <em>Ecuador, Far off Inside </em>and to look for Swiss coproducers and new partners.</p> <p> Please find&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">here</a>&nbsp;the catalogue of the Meeting.</p>
<p> Thanks to each of you, the crowdfunding campaign is completed !</p> <p> You helped us to gather 6000&euro; : it allows Lionel, the director, to leave for a first trip next Winter to Ecuador, Peru, Brazil, to scout for locations and shoot.</p> <p> Thanks again to all of you.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> See you soon on fb for more news :&nbsp;<a href=""></a></p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> L&#39;attach&eacute; culturel d&#39;Equateur en France est tr&egrave;s enthousiasm&eacute; par notre projet. Gr&acirc;ce &agrave; lui, nous avons obtenu le soutien du Conseil National du Cin&eacute;ma &eacute;quatorien qui souhaite faciliter la r&eacute;alisation du film via une mise en lien avec des partenaires sur place.</p>
<p> Le cin&eacute;ma LE ZOLA et le festival &quot;Reflets du cin&eacute;ma ib&eacute;rique et latino-am&eacute;ricain&quot; de Villeurbanne soutiennent le projet.</p> <p> Ils se sont engag&eacute;s &agrave; diffuser le film ! Nous les remercions pour leur soutien et la confiance qu&#39;ils nous accordent.</p>
<p> We met the non-profit organisations&nbsp;<em>Espaces latinos </em>and <em>Palenque</em>, the&nbsp;<em>Maison de l&#39;Am&eacute;rique latine en Rh&ocirc;ne-Alpes </em>and the&nbsp;<em>Alliance fran&ccedil;aise de Lyon. </em>Each of them was enthusiastic about the project and they decided to support the film !</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> They will relay the information about the crowdfunding campaign, and help us to get in touch with institutions in France and in Latin America.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> Some other crucial meetings are coming very soon, we will let you know !</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<p> La collecte avance et nous remercions encore tous ceux qui ont d&eacute;cid&eacute; de faire confiance &agrave; ce projet. Nous esp&eacute;rons maintenant que le message circule afin d&#39;atteindre notre objectif qui permettra de d&eacute;marrer le film !</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> En attendant, notre recherche de partenaires est encourageante !</p> <p> Le cin&eacute;ma <em>Le Zola</em> de Villeurbanne s&#39;int&eacute;resse au projet, ainsi que l&#39;<em>Alliance fran&ccedil;aise</em> et la <em>Maison de l&#39;Am&eacute;rique latine</em>, que nous rencontrerons dans les prochaines semaines &agrave; Lyon.&nbsp;</p> <p> Nous sommes en contact avec l&#39;attach&eacute; culturel de l&#39;Ambassade d&#39;Equateur en France, et sollicitons l&#39;<em>Institut fran&ccedil;ais</em> &agrave; Paris et la <em>Villa Gillet</em> &agrave; Lyon.</p> <p> Apr&egrave;s avoir rencontr&eacute; l&#39;<em>association Palenque</em> &agrave; Lyon, qui soutient notre d&eacute;marche, nous rencontrerons bient&ocirc;t <em>Nouveaux Espaces Latinos</em> et l&#39;<em>Association France Am&eacute;rique Latine</em> (AFAL).</p> <p> Nous esp&eacute;rons de tous ces partenaires des soutiens &agrave; la production, &agrave; la diffusion, ou la mise en relation avec des personnes et structures ressources lors des rep&eacute;rages et du tournage.</p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> A suivre...</p>