Environmental migrants: the last illusion

Displaced people, refugees or environmental migrants. They don't have a real name and not even a status as far as international rights are concerned. They seem invisible, yet in 2050 there will be 200 million of them. Following the hope for a better future in cities, they often face their 'last illusion’. I met them and told their stories in Bangladesh and in Mongolia. Now I would like to do it in Kenya. ⤇⤇⤇⤇⤇⤇⤇ Profughi, rifugiati o migranti ambientali. Non hanno un vero nome e per il diritto internazionale nemmeno uno status. Sembrano invisibili eppure nel 2050 raggiungeranno i 200 milioni. Inseguendo la speranza di un futuro migliore nelle città, si trovano spesso davanti alla loro ‘ultima illusione’. Li ho incontrati e raccontati in Bangladesh e in Mongolia. Ora vorrei farlo in Kenya.

Project visual Environmental migrants: the last illusion
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Out of €6,000
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Europe Créative supports the project Environmental migrants: the last illusionActuphoto supports the project Environmental migrants: the last illusionClik clk supports the project Environmental migrants: the last illusion