Exil Express EP "KaraKedi"

Franco-Turkish rock band Exil Express needs your support to record its new EP: "KaraKedi".

Project visual Exil Express EP "KaraKedi"
End date
Out of €3,000
105 %
Exil Express3359 days

It was long... But it was worth the waiting... Our EP "Exit" will be available online (Spotify, Deezer, iTunes Store, Bandcamp) on March the 1st. Stay around for your free download ticket for those of you who kindly supported the process. And wait for the goodies, they will come! Here's a teaser and a thank you video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GoOOi6piC3o Peace! EXIL EXPRESS

StrAbZ3359 days

Any news? :D

Exil Express3603 days

YEAH!! We did it! Thanks everyone for participating in this adventure. You'll receive your goodies very soon. We hope you'll like the result. Album in the making... Stay around for the news: www.facebook.com/exilexpress

Exil Express3606 days

Sneak peek : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2_IPKuS29KE

Exil Express3623 days

Here are two of the five songs of this EP played live at Studios Mains d'Oeuvre. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yRCHYcPv3XA

Cookworking3624 days

J'ai hâte d'entendre le résultat !

Exil Express3635 days

Et voilà, premier concert chez une âme bienveillante est décidée alors qu'on atteint les 20% de l'objectif ! Merci ! And the first house concert is a go ! Thanks all as we've reached 20% of our goal.

joce223638 days

Bonne chance !

vent du sud3639 days

Oh yeah !

StrAbZ3642 days

Go go go :)