Fight malnutrition in Bolivia

Help fight malnutrition by donating for snacks for disadvantaged children in Cochabamba, Bolivia

Project visual Fight malnutrition in Bolivia
End date
Out of €200
217 %

Fight malnutrition in Bolivia

<p>The Foundation Bolivia Digna has been working for ten years to support vulnerable children and teenagers. For three years it has concentrated its efforts on two communities of Cochabamba, going there every day to provide extracurricular, informal education to more than a hundred children aged two to fifteen. Not only does it allow children to be children when they have so many responsibilities at home, it also gives them a safe place away from the streets or loneliness at home. Lately, we have been focusing on hygiene and nutrition in our activities.</p><p><img alt="20187184_861529490666599_837331619_o-1501272206" src=""></p><p><strong>Malnutrition and its consequences</strong></p><p>Malnutrition can have an impact on children's lives, with a slower brain and physical development. Nutrient and vitamin deficiencies can be linked to diseases as well as poor academic performances.</p><p><strong>The solution: a healthy snack every day</strong></p><p>We want to create opportunities for these children by giving them a healthy snack which isn't included in their daily diet, e.g. cereals, fruit, proteins and milk, every day.</p><p><img alt="Banner_2_alimentos_10-1501166452" src=""></p><p><a target="_blank" href="">Visit our website for more information</a></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>By donating, you're helping a local NGO to give daily healthy snacks to more than 100 children, which include:</p><p>- Drinking water</p><p>- Fruit, an egg or quinoa biscuits</p><p>- A glass of milk</p><p>By doing this, you'll also fight malnutrition and create more opportunities for these children. It has been proven that most children, and especially young ones, suffering of malnutrition will not be able to go to university because of their brain (under)development.</p><p><strong>Breakdown of monthly costs: </strong></p><p>For a month of snacks we need €92:</p><p>- Fruit twice per week: 14€</p><p>- Quinoa biscuits twice per week: €31</p><p>- A daily glass of milk for the smaller children: 47€</p><p>- Eggs: donations</p><p>- 8% of fees ( 5% KissKissBankBank and 3% bank fees)</p><p><strong>The goal: 2 months of healthy snacks for the children</strong></p><p>Our goal is to raise enough money for two months of snacks. If you donate: </p><p>- €5: one day of snacks </p><p>- €10: two days of snacks</p><p>- €25: one week of snacks</p><p><img alt="Eggs-1501272051" src=""></p><p><u><strong>The more you give, the longer we'll be able to ensure snacks for the children!</strong></u></p>



  • 1 contribution
Thank you card

Estimated delivery: September 2017


  • 2 contributions
Thank you card and pictures with the snacks sent to you

Estimated delivery: September 2017


  • 2 contributions
Thank you card and a drawing made by the children

Estimated delivery: September 2017


  • 1 contribution
Thank you card, pictures with the snacks sent to you and a drawing made by the children

Estimated delivery: September 2017


Thank you card and handcraft made by the children

Estimated delivery: September 2017


Thank you card Pictures of the children with the snacks Drawing of the children Handcraft made by the children

Estimated delivery: September 2017

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