Financement Album Orlando- BLACK NARCISSUS

Soutenez la création de mon premier EP Black Narcissus

Project visual Financement Album Orlando- BLACK NARCISSUS
End date
Out of €6,000
26 %

The publications

j'espere que vous allez bien! Ma page kiss kiss se termine aujourd'hui! je n'ai pas réussi à réunir le montant de ma collecte car je m'en suis pas occupé. En effet, je n'ai pas fais de relance ,car, j'ai eu des drames personnels autour de moi ces derniers mois qui m'ont anéantis. je retrouve l'energie et la force maintenant ,et, comme on dit "the show must go on" ! Mon album est presque fini et sera repoussé en sept avec le single. ci joint la pochette en exclusivité du premier single qui sortira à la rentrée : "whatever it is U got" et le clip. Aussi ,vous serez remboursés par kiss kiss , pas débités ,et, je vais refaire une page de collecte à nouveau donc merci de m'aider. Reculer pour mieux sauter et plus fort! merci du fond du coeur de votre force et votre soutien et enthousiasme. Love and kiss .Orlando I hope you are well! My kiss kiss page ends today! I did not manage to raise the amount of my fundraising because I did not take care of it. Indeed, I did not raise, because, I had personal tragedies around me these last months which destroyed me. I find the energy and the strength now, and, as they say "the show must go on"! my EP is almost finished, mixing process . Here the exclusive cover of the first single which will be released in September: "whatever it is U got" and the video. The EP will come out as well .Also ,you will be reimbursed by kiss kiss, not debited, and, I will redo a collection page again so please help me out please.It's Go back to jump better and stronger! thank you from the bottom of my heart for your strength and support and enthusiasm. Love and kiss .Orlando
hello everyone! just to inform you that i disappeared a few weeks here, because of some dramas happened recently in my life, but the show must go on! i am a survivor, a fighter! i am almost finished the mix of my album and the real cover of "Black Narcissus" and the booklet for the CD! (i will show you soon) i still need money to pay for my friend who arranged, mixed my album, for the promotion, the merch and the video. please keep on sharing the kiss kiss bank bank link! love and kiss Orlando
Hello everyone ! Thanks for your support ! we are working hard to give you something unique and strong Music reunite people Music save my life