September 23, 2023
June Caravel Production du 3e album rock'n'roll
Are you ready to rock and boogie? The third album of June Caravel will do just that!

End date
Out of €15,000
100 %
June Caravel Production du 3e album rock'n'roll
<em><strong><img alt="Bandeauintro-1462303240" src=""> </strong></em></p>
<em><strong>Dear fans,</strong></em></p>
Are you all ready for a new musical adventure ? This time it will be under the sign of rock'n'roll, boogie and blues ! And in this adventure, <u>YOU</u> are the essential ingredient! Because without <u>YOU</u>, there won't be any album!</p>
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<strong>Are you ready to rock'n'roll? Are you ready for a 3rd album together?</strong></p>
For those who don't know me, I am June Caravel, singer-songwriter, pianist and bassist from Paris and I rock'n'roll, blues and boogie. But not only... Let's do a little flash back to explain how...</p>
<strong>...Rock'n'roll entered my life!</strong></p>
Not a lot of people know it but I've been a rock'n'roll dancer since I'm 12, when my sports teacher, Jean Rizo, taught the entire class how to dance it. I even was a French acrobatic rock champion at 15 (the proof with the cup I won below).</p>
<img alt="Couperock-1462117731" height="168" src="" width="125"></p>
At 18 years old I got the equivalent of a grade A (20/20 in French notation) at the Baccalauréat, the final French exam at High School. So rock'n'roll, blues and boogie-woogie music have been part of my life for a while now...</p>
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<strong>Then I flirted with soul music...</strong></p>
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I admit I have let rock'n'roll down after High school... Maybe because boys never wanted to dance it :(... I also developped an interest in soul music and started composing soul-pop songs under the artist name <strong>T-ka</strong>. And in 2008, thanks to the first ever crowdfunding website (well before Kisskissbankbank existed) and to 684 generous investors the world over, - <strong>YOU </strong>- , 50,000$ were gathered and allowed me to record my first album "<strong><u><a href="">And maybe a tree will rise out of me...</a></u></strong>" in Weed, California.</p>
<img alt="Coverjunecaravelandmaybeatree-1462305118" height="172" src="" width="166"></p>
The soul-pop record was produced by Sylvia Massy (Prince, Skunk Anansie) and supported by a crowd of hugely talented musicians: guitarist Jeff Pevar (Ray Charles, Crosby Stills & Nash), drummer Stevie D (David Gilmour, Crosby Stills & Nash), bassist Tibo Barbillon (Nouvelle Vague) and horn-player Bill Holloman (Nile Rodgers, Diana Ross).</p>
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Without your help, I could have never lived this American Dream and do all the concerts that followed (The Paradiso in Amsterdam, Paard von Troje at The Hague, the Enghien Jazz Festival, the Solidays, opening for Malia, Maceo Parker, Incognito, Tower of Power, Robin Thicke, etc, etc.). <strong>I am eternally grateful to you for that!</strong></p>
<strong>Then I flirted with A Capppella...</strong></p>
After this album I moved to London in 2009 and changed my artist name. I became June Caravel. After seeing Bobby McFerrin & Richard Bona live, I discovered the limitless possibilities offered by the human voice and decided to try my hand at A Cappella singing. I started experimenting new songs with my loop pedal and I decided to go <i>Busking in Australia</i> to promote the album <u><a href="">The A Cappella Sessions</a></u>.</p>
<img alt="Theacappellasessions_cover_highdef-1462306464" height="108" src="" width="122"></p>
My goal: only survive off donations people give her in the street while singing. Not only did I survive 2 months but I also filmed and produced an online series in the summer 2012.</p>
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Then I went to live in Hanover (Germany) where the album received the kre(h)tiv prize of the city. As for the video London Song, it was chronicled on the BBC, appeared on the NME and was video of the week on Visit London.</p>
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<strong>But the rock'n'roll virus came back!</strong></p>
In 2012 just before leaving London, I had started to write the synopsis of a rock'n'roll musical in between Grease and Dirty Dancing: the story of a yound hard-rocker who falls in love with a rock'n'roll and boogie dancer and lhas to learn how to dance to conquer her heart... But I left it there and did nothing with it in the end... It's also in London that I took bass lessons from 2010 to 2012... And that I seriously started composing on it since 2014.</p>
<img alt="Johnetmoi-1462117837" height="233" src="" width="131"></p>
That's in 2014 that I went to several rock and boogie festivals especially the Summer Jamboree in Senigallia, Italy. It's on its beach in between 2 dances that the idea of the first song came: "That's Senigallia". Then I started thinking about doing a rock'n'roll album and when I looked for themes and lyrics for songs, I remebered the musical I had started writing and it became very simple to write the songs has its themes were dictated by the story...</p>
<strong>The 3rd Rock-Boogie-Blues album Project and the Musical</strong></p>
Ever since, I wrote 20 rock'n'roll, boogie and blues songs that I've recorded as demos. And I am currently finishing writing the first draft of the musical that goes with it... And now I would like to give back to this music everything it gave to me <strong>and give you an album that makes you jump on your own two feet and dance</strong>! <strong>And also give you an album that will be the basis to this Musical I'm writing! </strong></p>
<strong>The objective</strong></p>
I have gathered a team of musicians and a producer around me to record the album and thanks to you we could be recording as soon as <strong>July 2016</strong> and delivering the digital version <strong>in September 2016</strong> and the CD version <strong>in October 2016</strong>! It will have 12 to 13 original songs that we will record at <strong>Studio Audiolane</strong>, next to Paris under the supervision of <strong>Fred Scamps</strong> my long time pianist who will also be the arranger of the album.</p>
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<strong>But in order to do that I will need YOUR support!</strong></p>
A lot of you ask me when I will do my next concert... Well, without an album you can't show what you can do to programmers and thus be programmed. Same for the promotion, without an album, medias have no reason to talk about you. Producing this album is thus the essential stepstone for YOU to be able to see me perform it live and for YOU to hear about it on TV, Radio, Press and the Internet. And what a greater satisfaction then to be able to say that YOU are the producer of the album?</p>
All donations are welcome little or big! Every penny counts to make the project come to fruition. And don't forget that if the collect doesn't reach 15.000€ then what you have invested will be given back to you. But if the collect is a success, then the album will be recorded thanks to YOU!</p>
To make you hear what the album will sound like, I will unveil every week a song of the album that I will be performing live on my bass...</p>
Here's the first excerpt : Boogie-Woogie Style!</p>
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Here's the 2nd excerpt: La terreur de la piste !</p>
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And here's the 3rd excerpt: What a style!</p>
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And here's the 4th excerpt: <strong>Girls don't do that</strong>!</p>
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Here's the 5th excerpt!</p>
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Here's the 6th excerpt!</p>
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Here's the 7th excerpt: The best dancer in town!</p>
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Here's the 8th excerpt: When my girl is in love with the wrong man</p>
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<strong>Double bonus</strong></p>
For each step achieved of the collect at 25%, 50% and 75%, you can ask me to do a challenge that I will have to do in the next 48 hours!</p>
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<strong>The album</strong></p>
While the album is being made, I will keep you informed of its development on kisskissbankbank, but also through my newsletter, my blog, Facebook and Twitter. and of course, each of you will get its counterpart. If you have any questins, you can ask them here or via the social networks!</p>
So now it's all up to you!</p>
<strong>Thanks from the bottom of my heart for contributing!</strong></p>
Allocation of funds
- <strong><u>With</u></strong><u><strong> 15.000€</strong></u></p>
It will cover:</p>
- Fees for the arranger, the sound engineer, the pre-production, the mixing : 6.474€</p>
- Fees for the musicians : 3.840€</p>
- Rehearsal & recording studio : 1.440€</p>
- Mastering : 1.500€</p>
- Duplication for 500 copies of the CD : 446€</p>
- Graphic designer: 100€</p>
- Sound engineer : 510€</p>
- Kisskissbank fees (8% of the gathered sum): 1.200€</p>
That's the minimum to do the album.</p>
<u><strong>- With 18.000€</strong></u></p>
We can make an album AND a music video (3.000€) to promote it!</p>
<u><strong>- With 28.000€</strong></u></p>
We can make an album, a music video and hire a press officer to promote the album during 3 months on the radio, TV, press and Internet (4.000€) and I can rent a venue to do an official album release and invite you all (6.000€ for the venue, the sound & lights engineers, the filming of the concert).</p>
<u><strong>- Over 28.000€</strong></u></p>
We can make an album, a music video, hire a press officer, do an official album release and shoot a second or even a third music video... And pay my musicians on promo tours.</p>
All the remaining contributions would allow to pay for:</p>
- A choregrapher</p>
- A director</p>
- Actors/Dancers/Singers</p>
- Costumes</p>
- Stage set</p>
- Renting a theatre</p>
- Renting a rehearsal studio</p>
It's hard to crunch the numbers on that one, but I was told that only to do one run of a musical, it could amount up to 100.000€. Because you must pay all the actors every day for the rehearsals until the musical is ready and also rent a theater and rehearse there to make sure stage set and costumes are right. So depending on the amont we reach, it will at least serve to start the project. Maybe we could do an ultra reduced version of the project but that would give producers the will to do more.... But if there's enough, it wouldn't be a concert release but the musical you would see for the release of the album!</p>

- 1 contribution
A huge THANK YOU!!!!! + your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: June 2017

- 27 contributions
DIGITAL VERSION OF THE ALBUM - You will receive the album in digital version .mp3 and .wav directly delivered on you e-mail + your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 56 contributions
CD VERSION OF THE ALBUM - You will receive the album delivered to you address and signed to your name in CD format (postal fees included) + your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016

- 5 contributions
DANCE PRIORITY (only available in Paris) -
You will have priority over all other dancers to dance rock'n'roll with me on 1 dance at one dance evening in Paris. It can be for a woman (I can guide) or a man. I will publish regularly where I dance on my Facebook in Paris and its suburbs so that you can know where to dance with me!
+ THE ALBUM IN DIGITAL VERSION + your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 5 contributions
DANCE PRIORITY (only available in Paris) - You will have priority over all other dancers to dance rock'n'roll with me on 1 dance at one dance evening in Paris. It can be for a woman (I can guide) or a man. I will publish regularly where I dance on my Facebook in Paris and its suburbs so that you can know where to dance with me! + THE ALBUM IN CD VERSION SIGNED TO YOUR NAME + your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016

- 16 contributions
- And maybe a tree will rise out of me... (Soul-pop, 2008)
- The A Cappella Sessions (A Cappella 2012)
- My 3rd rock'n'roll blues boogie album!
(Postal fees included)
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016

- 10 contributions
1H LESSON for 1 person taught by me (only available in Paris and suburb until zone 5 or transport from Paris to your place will have to be covered): you can choose between a singing, piano, bass or rock'n'roll dancing lesson, a piano lesson. The level goes from beginner to intermediate. For the piano lesson, it is necessary to have at least a keyboard at your place. For the bass lesson, I can bring mine if you don't have one and for the singing and dancing class, a hi-fi equipment or at least small monitors will be necessary to play MP3 ou CDs.
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 2 contributions
1H LESSON for 1 person taught by me (only available in Paris and suburb until zone 5 or transport from Paris to your place will have to be covered): you can choose between a singing, piano, bass or rock'n'roll dancing lesson, a piano lesson. The level goes from beginner to intermediate. For the piano lession, it is necessary to have at least a keyboard at your place. For the bass lesson, I can bring mine if you don't have one and for the singing and dancing class, a hi-fi equipment or at least small monitors will be necessary to play MP3 ou CDs. + THE ALBUM IN CD VERSION SIGNED TO YOUR NAME
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016

- 11 contributions
THE CONCERT PACKAGE - An invitation to the concert of your choice + MEET & GREET with the band (No transport cost will be covered) + THE ALBUM IN CD VERSION SIGNED TO YOUR NAME
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016

- 7 contributions
PRIVATE RELEASE PARTY VIP PACKAGE - What if you could be invited at my place next to Paris for the release of the album? You will be able to listen to the album before everyone else, ask all the questions you want during the questions & answers session and then attend a solo concert, with home made food! (No transport cost will be covered) + THE ALBUM IN CD VERSION SIGNED TO YOUR NAME
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016

- 1 contribution
(Only in Paris or its suburb, transport costs not included outside of this area). Take a singing, bass, piano and/or rock'n'roll dancing lesson with me. You choose the program. I will also prepare a vegan lunch.
+ In the evening I will perform a solo show on the piano or on the bass with my loop pedal. Invite your friends along!
+ THE ALBUM IN CD VERSION SIGNED TO YOUR NAME + your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016

1 CONCERT WITH ME AND MY MUSICIANS AT YOUR PLACE PACKAGE (Only in Paris or its suburb, transport costs not included outside of this area). Invite your friends along and we will make them dance!
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016

- MY 3 CD ALBUMS personnalized, signed and sent to your home - And maybe a tree will rise out of me... (Soul-pop, 2008) - The A Cappella Sessions (A Cappella 2012) - My 3rd rock'n'roll blues boogie album
+ 1 YEAR OF DANCE PRIORITY over any dancer (1 dance per night in Paris or suburb of Paris only) and where I will inform you personnally where and when I will dance
+ 1 COMPLETE DAY WITH ME with the lessons you choose: bass, piano, singing and/or rock'n'roll dancing + LUNCH AND DINNER prepared by me
+ 1 CONCERT WITH MY BAND AT YOUR PLACE where you can invite all your friends and neighbours!
+ 1 DAY IN THE RECORDING STUDIO with the team in July (you will have to be available during the week days or the weekend in Paris or its suburb)
+ 1 SONG WITH YOUR NAME that I'll compose just for you...
+ 1 DUET ON STAGE on a song of your choice
+ MY FENDER JAZZ BASS signed for you
(transport costs not included)
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016
Make a donation
Give what I want
Sold out

Sold out
- 2 contributions
THE RECORDING STUDIO PACKAGE - 1 day in the recording studio in the suburb of Paris with the team of musicians and June Caravel. Lunch will be offered and you will be able to witness the recording of the album with your own eyes. The recording should take place between the 4th and 21st July (dates to be confirmed), so you have to make sure you can make yourself available (also on weekdays) - No transport cost will be covered.
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: July 2016

Sold out
- 1 contribution
1 DAY WITH JUNE CARAVEL PACKAGE - 1 whole day (from 10am to 6pm) with June Caravel in Paris or its suburb (Only in Paris or its suburb, transport costs not included outside of this area) with singing, bass piano or/and rock'n'roll dancing lessons. You choose the program. I will also prepare a vegan lunch + THE ALBUM IN CD VERSION SIGNED TO YOUR NAME
+ your name in the thank you page on the website
Estimated delivery: October 2016