SQUASH, our sport, our passion, our goals

Come support Léa and Ninon, two young rising stars of French squash who dream of Olympic Games

Project visual SQUASH, our sport, our passion, our goals
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Out of €4,600
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SQUASH, our sport, our passion, our goals

<p>As members of the Mulhouse Squash Club (French national team champions in National 1), we play together on the French national tour.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>We still compete in junior tournaments and are currently ranked in the French adult top 20 (Ninon is ranked 13th, L&eacute;a is ranked 20th) In our competitive sport and through our project, our objective is to find more opposition in national and international tournaments in order to improve as quickly as possible.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>Playing for France in the greatest international competitions is our ultimate goal with the hope to participate to the Paris 2024 Olympic Games.&nbsp;</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><u>Ninon (15 years old) is currently a player at the national academy of Aix-en-Provence.</u></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>French Champion&nbsp;U15 (december&nbsp;2017),&nbsp;</p><p>French Champion&nbsp;U13 (april 2016),</p><p>French Champion&nbsp;U13 (april 2015),</p><p>French Champion&nbsp; U11 (january 2014)&nbsp;</p><p>French Championship Runner-up&nbsp; U13 (march&nbsp;2014)</p><p>Member of the French national team U13 and U15 ( from&nbsp;2014 to&nbsp;2018)</p><p>European Championships :&nbsp;Winner Swiss Open&nbsp;2017 (U15),&nbsp;Winner Belgium Open 2015 (U13),&nbsp;Winner Swedish Open&nbsp;2015 (U13)</p><p>Bronze medal European team Championships (U15) (may&nbsp;2018)</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/511457/24942327677_dc1a246e5a_h-1525100961.jpg" /><img width="100%" alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/511456/28041994479_18d95c54a2_h-1525100943.jpg" /><img width="100%" alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/511455/27442884238_333aa2fff7_h-1525100925.jpg" /></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><u>L&eacute;a (17&nbsp;years old) is currently bases&nbsp;at&nbsp;</u><a target="_blank" href="http://squashlibre.fr/psa-angers/le-club/">Angers training center</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>2016 : National Open Paris -&nbsp;Déesses<br />2016 : French junior Championship&nbsp;U17 - la Rochelle (5th&nbsp;place)</p><p>2016 : Nantes Open (Runner-up)</p><p>2016 : National Open -&nbsp;Val de Reuil (Runner-up)<br />2016 :&nbsp;National Open -&nbsp;Gazelle Albi (6th&nbsp;place)<br />2016 : French junior Open Lille U17 (17th&nbsp;place)</p><p>2016 : Corsica Open&nbsp;(4th)<br />2016 : French junior Championship&nbsp;U19&nbsp;Vitrolles (10th&nbsp;place)</p><p>2016 : Belgium junior Open U17&nbsp;Brussels (12th&nbsp;place)</p><p>2016 : Swiss junior Open U17 (17th&nbsp;place)<br />2016 : Rennes Open - Hermine (Winner)<br />2016 : Best french ranking &nbsp;U17 :&nbsp;<strong>n&deg;1</strong></p><p>2017 : French junior Open U17 Lille (14th&nbsp;place)<br />2017 : French junior Championship&nbsp;U17 Toulouse (4th&nbsp;place)</p><p>2017 : National Open, Brive (4th&nbsp;place)</p><p>2017 : National Open&nbsp;Bordeaux -&nbsp;Jupettes (9th&nbsp;place)</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/511460/32163500842_774f3d2948_h-1525101005.jpg" /></p><p><img width="100%" alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/519667/26907883_10155838243715731_7926537694363122077_n-1527243939.jpg" /><img width="100%" alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/511458/35604221642_6a5072c662_k-1525100974.jpg" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<p><strong>Making a dream come true requires work, talent but also substantial financial support!</strong></p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>With squash not being very popular, the contributions from the national federation of squash and our club in Mulhouse are not enough to cover all of our expenses.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>Thus, in order to participate to national and international competitions which represent a necessary stage in our development, we have to pay for train and plane tickets, hotels, food or even competition registration fees.</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>By financing our project, you will allow us to participate to future competitions in the best conditions possible :&nbsp;</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>8 international junior tournaments</strong></p><p>- Swedish Open&nbsp;/ October</p><p>- Belgium Open&nbsp;/ November</p><p>- Swiss Open&nbsp;/ December</p><p>- British Open / January</p><p>- French Open&nbsp;/ February</p><p>- Croatian&nbsp;Open&nbsp;/ April</p><p>- German Open / July</p><p>- Dutch Open / July</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>3 French&nbsp;</strong><strong>championships&nbsp;</strong></p><p>- French&nbsp;junior closed</p><p>- Qualification France Elite Open</p><p>- France Elite Open</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>6 national senior tournaments</strong></p><p>- Gravelines Open</p><p>- Lyon Open</p><p>- Bordeaux&nbsp;Open</p><p>- Paris&nbsp;Open</p><p>- Albi&nbsp;Open</p><p>- Antibes&nbsp;Open</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p><strong>10 r&eacute;gional seniortournaments</strong></p><p>- Nantes</p><p>- Val de Reuil</p><p>- La Rochelle</p><p>- Niort</p><p>- Toulouse</p><p>- Pau</p><p>- Le Mans</p><p>- Rennes</p><p>- Tours</p><p>- Nancy</p><p>&nbsp;</p>



  • 1 contribution
A personal note to thank you on our different social networks! There aren't small donations, there are only good actions. Thank you so much for your support in our squash adventure.

10% off your order as a gift.


  • 3 contributions
For each order on laboutiquedusquash.com, you will get 10% off your order (racket grips, balls or t-shirts)

A racket lottery


  • 8 contributions
We sincerely thank you and give you one chance out of 30 (maximum) to win a Salming Cannone feather aero vectran racket (worth 165€)

I sincerely thank you and send you a France T-shirt.


  • 22 contributions
The Squashy France t-shirt is the model worn by the French national teams. Male or female models from small size to XXL.

One match with you


  • 6 contributions
Practice with Léa or Ninon! In order to thank you, we invite you to come play a one-hour match with Léa or Ninon. You will go home with a present!

A racket lottery


  • 3 contributions
We sincerely thank you and give you one chance out of 30 (maximum) to win a Simon Rosner's racket, world n°6, the OLIVER - Apex 700 (Public price 140€)

A racket lottery


  • 5 contributions
We sincerely thank you and give you one chance out of 30 (maximum) to win Raneem el Weleily's racket, world champion and world n°2, the HARROW - VAPOR SQUASH RACQUET (Public price 239$)

A racket lottery


  • 4 contributions
We sincerely thank you and give you a one chance out of 30 (maximum) to win Ali Farag's racket, the DUNLOP - Revelation-Pro-hyperfibre, World n°3. Public price 160€

A racket lottery


  • 3 contributions
We sincerely thank you and give you a one chance out of 30 (maximum) to win a Tecnifibre Carboflex X speed 125, Mohamed Shorbagy's racket, World champion and World n°1

We sincerely thank you and send you this Salming Cannone squash racket


  • 8 contributions

Squash camp


  • 3 contributions
Your reserved spot for a squash camp (6 hours total) under Benoit Letourneau (former manager of the federal academy) and Cyrielle Peltier (former French national team player). Dates and locations to be determined depending on donors' locations.

I will come to your club for a private lesson (France Only)


  • 1 contribution
Léa or Ninon will come directly to your club to spend 2 hours with you to play a match and give you tips.

Make a donation

Give what I want