December 20, 2014
Love is everywhere
"Love is everywhere" is this exciting desire to shoot a single love story taking place all over the world.

End date
Out of €16,000
101 %
Love is everywhere
<strong>Présentation</strong> : </p>
<i>"Love is everywhere" is a bit crazy project for many. Understandable reaction, when you learn that this is a short film that will be shot all around the world, to tell a single story. And yet, the project is well and truly on. That’s the adventure of a short film 3.0, where everyone contributes to tell this beautiful and hopeful story. Because that is what it is, "Love is everywhere" talks about the feeling that carries us all and help us to move forward, the feeling of love that comes and goes but always catching us, no matter our religion, our skin color, our age or our sexual preference. "Love is everywhere" reinforces our belief that we are not alone. Even if this feeling is gone and we miss it, it‘ll be back for sure and perhaps sooner than we think.</i></p>
<i>Virginia meets a young man, one morning at dawn, on a Parisian bench. It is not yet clear that this will be a beautiful love story that she will live with him. She did not know that it will not be the man of her life. But what she knows even less is that a chain reaction will begin, all around the planet and she is the first act of it herself. She will meet someone again, and have a new beautiful story, even more enjoyable.</i></p>
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<strong><i>"Love is everywhere" is a worldwild 16 minutes short movie.</i></strong></p>
Allocation of funds
<i>Funds :</i></p>
<i>at first, the sum may seem staggering, yet I am confident.</i></p>
<i>We need 16,000 euros for travel and accommodation of the technical team, 3 people (the director, the cameraman and soundman) .</i></p>
<i>With 20000 euros, we could rent light materials (shooting equipment is already in our possession) and finance the creation of original music for the movie. Beyond the 20000 euros, the money will be donated to actors and technical team (execpt the director).</i></p>
- 3 contributions
Pour 5 euros / For 5 euros : Votre nom et nos remerciements apparaissent sur la page facebook du film / Your name and our thanks appear on the facebook page of the movie
Estimated delivery: September 2015
- 37 contributions
Pour 10 euros / For 10 euros : Contreparties à 5 euros + votre nom au générique de fin du film / 5 euros Counterparty + your name on end credits.
Estimated delivery: September 2015
- 15 contributions
Pour 25 euros / For 25 euros : Contrepartie à 10 euros + une photo dédicacée de la main de l’ensemble des comédiens du casting mondial / 10 euros Counterparty + a dedicated picture of all the cast around the world.
Estimated delivery: September 2015
- 37 contributions
Pour 50 euros / For 50 euros : Contrepartie à 25 euros + une invitation à une projection privée en avant première (frais de voyage et de transport non compris) du film en présence du casting parisien et un DVD du film / 25 euros Counterparty + an invitation to a private premiere with the parisian cast (travel and transport not included)
Estimated delivery: September 2015
- 7 contributions
Pour 100 euros / For 100 euros : Contrepartie à 50 euros + votre nom apparait dans le générique de début du film incrusté dans les images et les décors du film ( avec des effets spéciaux) / 50 euros Counterparty + your name in the opening credits inlaid on the set (with special effect)
Estimated delivery: September 2015
- 9 contributions
Pour 150 euros / For 150 euros: Contreparties à 100 euros + vous apparaissez dans le film. Vous devrez pour cela vous filmer en couple dans un moment amoureux et tendre (et autorisé aux moins de 18 ans bien entendu) et vos images (bonne qualité exigée) seront intégrées au film dans la séquence 7. Contrepartie limitée à 20 personnes / 100 euros Counterparty + You appear in the movie. You’ll need to shoot a short sequence of you with your love in a sweet and tender moment ( and allowed for persons under 18 of course). Your shooting (good quality required) will be integrated in sequence seven. Counterparty limited to 20.
Estimated delivery: September 2015
Pour 250 euros / For 250 euros : Contreparties à 100 euros + vous apparaissez dans le film. Vous devrez pour cela vous filmer en couple dans un moment amoureux et tendre (et autorisé aux moins de 18 ans bien entendu) et vos images (bonne qualité exigée) seront intégrées au film dans la séquence 7. De plus, vous pourrez venir en postproduction et montage du film pour insérer vous même les images (frais de voyage et de transport non compris). Contrepartie limitée à 20 personnes / 100 euros Counterparty + You appear in the movie. You’ll need to shoot a short sequence of you with your love in a sweet and tender moment ( and allowed for persons under 18 of course). Your shooting (good quality required) will be integrated in sequence seven and you will be invited to the postproduction to edit your shooting. Counterparty limited to 20.
Estimated delivery: September 2015
- 1 contribution
Pour 500 euros / For 500 euros : Contreparties à 100 euros + vous êtes invités à passer une journée entière sur le tournage avec toute l'équipe (frais de voyage et de transport non compris) / 100 euros Counterparty + You're invited on the set all day long (travel and transport not included)
Estimated delivery: September 2015