Marco Cinelli - Watch Me Movin' (EP)

Recording, producing, mixing and pressing of my new EP " Watch Me Movin' ". Producing a brand new major clip. Launching a real band.

Project visual Marco Cinelli - Watch Me Movin' (EP)
End date
Out of €4,500
132 %

Supported by

Cédric de l'Atelier supports the project Marco Cinelli - Watch Me Movin' (EP)
Juanse3247 days

Hey Marco! Saw you at Paris with my friends at a gig you made at "Autour de midi et minut" and we were absoulutely blown away by your playing and how much fun you were having while playing. Keep up the good work bro! Cheers from Uruguay!

La Vi3248 days

All the best!

MarcoCinelli3250 days

Thank you for believing in me, folks!We still got two days left ! Everything can happen! ;)

Fun King Nero3250 days

enjoy the ride mr, work that chromeoesque's a great crossover.

alex.vit3252 days

Bonjour Marco J'espère que ton projet va aboutir Alexandrine

DianaBetty3260 days

Une grande réussite et gloire pour Marco! Une Star parmis les plus grands! Continuez à le soutenir. Bisous!

Tony.Maloy3274 days

Brother you a legend keep playing and keep up all the hard work its going to pay off soon. I am you biggest fan..

Tony.Maloy3274 days

Brother you a legend keep playing and keep up all the hard work its going to pay off soon. I am you biggest fan..

MarcoCinelli3274 days

5000 reached and surpassed today!!! Two words AWE SOME!

umbria3275 days

Complimenti per il tuo progetto ... Giulia, Valeria,Irene ed Umberto :-)

MarcoCinelli3279 days

grazie infinite amici! quasi 5 mila!!!! e andiamo!!!

Damiano3280 days

Buon lavoro Marco! Facciamole riscaldare ste valvole! ;)