PARIS DJS / GRANT PHABAO & RACECAR CD/LP "A Healthy Obsession With Pétanque"

Help Paris DJs press a CD & a vinyl LP of Grant Phabao and RacecaR's album, illustrated by poster artist Ben Hito, as well as collector T-shirts.

Project visual PARIS DJS / GRANT PHABAO & RACECAR CD/LP "A Healthy Obsession With Pétanque"
End date
Out of €3,500
116 %

Technikart vous soutient sur KissKissBankBank


A Nous KissKiss

A NOUS Paris
Paris DJs2741 days

September was the idea to begin with, we thought we could press the LP in advance, and then add the insert with the names of the crowdfunders last minute, but it was not posssible in the end. But as soon as september started we had all the names of the backers, so we launched the pressing. Vinyl is supposed to land at Paris DJs mid-november, we'll send all the packages then, and the record will be released then first at the next Paris DJs night (at Cabaret Sauvage, saturday nov 26!)... Thanks for your patience !

nadavz1232741 days

hello! is the album out already? you said september...

eeeef2787 days

Yo Saaaam I copped the vinyl for K's baby bwoy. Much love from SF. -eth aka lz aka nth

Entophile2787 days

Great to see more ParisDJs out on vinyl! Thanks for all the great music.

William.Le Bras2787 days

Big up les gars ! Hâte d'écouter ça !

laurent40002789 days

un peu en retard mais comptez sur moi ! bravo pour le job, toujours classe. Dj Harry Cover

Etienne de la Sayette2790 days

Hello guys. I love beaucoup qu'est ce que vous faites. Keep on the good work

David.Von.Super.Papoun2793 days


arno642794 days

Keep up the good work :-) Dounette

Terwilliger2795 days

Merci pour la zic, c'est top ce qu vous faites ! bonne continuation; Mathias

Grregory.Mmoy2808 days

Hi! I am RacecaR's cousin Greg in Seattle. DJouls- I hope you read this. I've made my 130Euro donation for the 5CD pack plus a medium short sleeve t-shirt. Sammy- I'm sorry I'll miss you when you're in Chicago. Biggest and Highest of the Ups!

jojokourtex2816 days

Enfin possible de participer à vos projets! Nice!