People of Earth and Clouds

Next to the brutal violence, Mexico is also home of communities in which peace is the building block. Help us to finish this documentary.

Project visual People of Earth and Clouds
End date
Out of €3,000
108 %
Vicky.Torrillas3038 days

Mucha suerte con el proyecto <3

M.P.3039 days

Felicidades, Matteo. Enhorabuena por el proyecto!

Murki3045 days

Con mucho cariño deseándoles el mayor de los éxitos. Marielena y Jesús

AlmustafaMahmoud3046 days

Independent Skies Magazine wishes you all the best of luck for this amazing project. This is the real side of Mexico that we do not see on mainstream media and that we need to see more often. From the trailer, it is obvious that this is very professionally done and you guys have some great images. We look forward to see the final version of the documentary.

ockie3053 days

For wether we are white or copper-skinned We just sing with all the voices of the mountain We just paint with all the colors of the wind.

mary-ann3057 days

Voor Louise & Matteao & co: lots of success with this beautiful project! You don't have to send me a picture, keep that money for your project! kisses Mary-Ann

Alejandra.Traslosheros3057 days

Exito, Matteo!

Tim Dalton3064 days

Tim Dalton is actually Nikos ;) Used the wrong profile

rtyne3075 days

Good luck!