support antonia to become a dancewebber 2016

Project visual support antonia to become a dancewebber 2016
End date
Out of €1,200
148 %
mariavillasmil2916 days

Go Antonia Go....! Maria

Jenscho2917 days

Gute Leute muß man unterstützen - alles Große hat mal klein angefangen

Ainotna2919 days

Thanks to my lovely uncle Philippo!! I transfered further at his place <3

Greto.Gawin2921 days

Viel Erfolg, Toni!

Ainotna2923 days

dear Ashton! Thank you so so so much :))) I hope you are doing good and that we see each other again too! xx

ashton272923 days

Good luck Antonia! You were very kind to me when we were both in Koln, hopefully our paths cross again.