October 3, 2012
Texas Families
The US presidential election from a franco-texan perspective. A car, two French journalists, one blog and Texans, Texans & more Texans! Let’s hit the road and forget our stereotypes.

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Out of €3,600
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Texas Families
When we hear “Texas”, we think: JR, death penalty, country music, evangelicals, cowboys, confederates, and oil. Cliche? Yes! Because Texas isn’t only this. It’s also a key renewable energies producer, three of the ten biggest cities and the strongest demographic growth in the country, more divorces in proportion than in the other states, almost 17% official poors (compared to 14% in the US), the state of Eva Longoria, Farrah Fawcett, Sheldon, Julian Castro, Ron Paul… And Texas hospitality!</p>
We invite you to join us for <strong>a three-week road trip</strong> before the Nov. 6 election.</p>
Our idea?<strong> Realize multimedia portraits of Texan families</strong> in big cities such as Houston and Dallas, in the middle of a plain or on the Gulf coast. We’ll try to get invited at the dinner table and talk about their daily lives. What will determine their vote? Do members of a same family vote the same? Did Barack Obama disappoint them? Is Mitt Romney made for the job in their opinion?</p>
<img height="314px;" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/qerwHydThdjZnMQJhprcEGo--QZ1T8q9xf_YwVn-Jff-lqvMRj13OtYIr8NMfOVwbavul_A-O2B_GfLGPbZKlkabqyCB2vZUdOiriBMxby68hscE3gE" width="471px;"></p>
<strong>Health, immigration, jobs, education, gun control</strong>… We’ll talk about everything! To know what Texans really think. And you’ll also be able to debate directly with the families via<strong> live sessions on Twitter. </strong>Hop on board and follow us during our trip deep in the heart of Texas (with a Google map) by visiting the Texas Families blog: <a href="http://texasfamiliesblog.wordpress.com/">http://texasfamiliesblog.wordpress.com/</a> </p>
Pictures, videos, recordings… We’ll share all contents in real time! </p>
<strong>Find us on <a href="http://twitter.com/TexasFamilies">Twitter</a> and <a href="http://www.facebook.com/TexasFamilies">Facebook</a>. </strong></p>
And if you can’t help us finance our project, promote it! It’s as important! </p>
Big THANKS! </p>
Melinda & Cecile</p>
<img height="280px;" src="https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/xBaqXve26f_d0nD_bo9jkbLFPGgXv8Rj4z0cOgQC818aJWz36DJ54M4ZeAY0TG6X5C_Cgr7Lvn10-CriFfkuynws75x17a2wtvhqDKopNMCND6lbeN4" width="419px;"></p>
<strong>Who are we?</strong></p>
<img height="159px;" src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/_kUoNFR-WLdXiDNlFi62QyrTvn0XccBlnRSvCdPOC4sKGs9Hejoke5xgLDkVnkoc6YLyvfHkSjj0OXvtdOHNa2RJ7jq8NNjCSyNHpVKiozPKxXbx16bF" width="106px;"></p>
Melinda Trochu, 27 year-old</p>
Travel and journalism lover, the first time I landed in the US, it was in Texas. I had a shock. Everything’s too big, even people. At customs, my saucisson was taken away. Bad start! But I want to go beyond stereotypes to meet those Texans so different and similar from Europeans. And know what they expect from their next president.</p>
On the professional side, I am a video reporter who uses multimedia and social networks. That adventure, I want to share it with you! Link: <a href="http://melindatrochu.wix.com/cv2012">http://melindatrochu.wix.com/cv2012</a></p>
<img height="162px;" src="https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/ekPoZyI30rtE1onhb_pRavn0CWHlWN499VqSd0XLaFIDl-cd4BiXuW9n0ZE8uKHpH8Fu8PZUX_uPceR5Pt83PbGXH44l2dGRAkODskTnofG9iO81ws0" width="91px;"></p>
Cecile Fandos, 29 year-old</p>
Arrived in Texas a year ago, following my husband, I can confirm the fact that this country (and Texas in particular) is a land of opportunity… for those who have the right background! Differences between Europe and North America such as bigger social inequities or the importance of races shock foreigners. The result is complex, far from stereotypes about the Lone star state.</p>
On the professional side, my experience in trade newspapers taught me precision. But before all, I am a local reporter who loves exploring new territories and meet new people. Link: <a href="http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilefandos">http://www.linkedin.com/in/cecilefandos</a></p>
Allocation of funds
This project is entirely financed by you!</p>
<strong>We won’t go on the trip if we don’t manage to collect the money! </strong>Here’s our budget for those three weeks of reporting.</p>
We bring our own equipment (professional video camera, photo cameras, laptops, etc. estimated at € 5,000).</p>
<u>Here’s what we still have to finance:</u></p>
Car rental and gas: € 1,200</p>
Plane ticket for Melinda: € 800</p>
Wireless microphone for Z1 camera: € 600</p>
GoPro camera: € 300</p>
Others (external disk, video tapes, GPS, etc.): € 412</p>
KKBB commission 5% and banking fee 3%: € 288</p>
TOTAL € 3600</p>
- 22 contributions
“JR pack”
Your name in the “thank you” section of our blog (with a link towards your Twitter account).
- 49 contributions
“Cowboy pack” Previous rewards + a postcard signed by the team and one of the hosting families.
- 14 contributions
“Lone Star State pack” Previous rewards +picture with one of the families signed by the team.
- 20 contributions
“Alamo pack” Previous rewards + multimedia making of the road trip.
- 5 contributions
“Austin pack” Previous rewards + a personalized guide of Texas full of good ideas and original places to
- 1 contribution
“country pack” Previous rewards + last Christine Albert’s Texafrance CD.
- 1 contribution
"Willie pack” Previous rewards + “Willie Nelson for president” hat and bumper sticker.
- 1 contribution
“Texas hospitality pack” Previous rewards + photo album of the project and interviewed families.
- 2 contributions
“Daaaaaaaaaallas pack” Previous rewards + an ad for
your company in the sponsors section of our blog.
“Welcome to Texas pack” Previous rewards + a weekend at Cecile’s apartment in Austin to visit the best places of the city in her company!