The Cooover, Chic Cigarette Covers

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Project visual The Cooover, Chic Cigarette Covers
End date
Out of €3,000
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The Cooover, Chic Cigarette Covers

<p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" />The Cooover wants to prevent you from seeing horrific photos on cigarette covers. It is also a chic object. It is an ideal present for someone who smokes. Of course, the best is&nbsp;to stop smoking, but, <strong>until you quit, why not Cooover it!?</strong></p> <p>The Cooover was created by Diana Gran, a swedish photographer who lives in Paris.</p> <p>J&rsquo;ai&nbsp;toujours aim&eacute; embellir les choses. J&rsquo;ai eu la chance de grandir en Su&egrave;de, o&ugrave; le d&eacute;sign est une chose bien int&eacute;gr&eacute;e dans la vie quotidienne.&nbsp;Toute forme de laideur peut &ecirc;tre embellie. C&rsquo;est pour cela que je voulais cr&eacute;er un &eacute;tui qui embellit ce paquet visuellement offensif. Avant d&rsquo;arr&ecirc;ter de fumer, pourquoi ne pas embellir votre quotidien avec The Cooover !Et ce n&rsquo;est que le d&eacute;but... Notre but maintenant est de faire voyager le plus loin possible le concept de The Cooover et de couvrir tout ce qui m&eacute;rite d&rsquo;&ecirc;tre embelli. Des nouvelles aventures vous attendent...</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>

Allocation of funds

<p>We need money to produce futher packaging and as we have an important distributor who wants to distribute in Dubai and Beirut.&nbsp;</p> <p>Our target market is the oriental and russian distributors. It is a luxury and fashion item that can be sold in big departement stores, concept stores etc. We are already in contact with the distributors that want to sell the covers in their countries.&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p>


Featured reward

Cigarette Cover of your choice


We offer you a cigarette cover of your choice. The cover exists in blue/red, orange/beige, pink/pink and black/blue. In regular and slim size.

Estimated delivery: June 2019

A selection of all colours


You will get 4 covers, the pink, the orange, the blue and the black in a beautiful packaging. In the size you choose, slim or standard.

Estimated delivery: June 2019

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