The Green Trip, une initiative responsable.

Be part of our responsible and eco-friendly travel! "Setting an example is not the main means of influencing others, it is the only means"

Project visual The Green Trip, une initiative responsable.
End date
Out of €4,500
103 %

The publications

<p> Get back on our last adventures and our last clean-up via our&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">blog</a>&nbsp;in the categorie &quot;day after day&quot;.<br /> <br /> <img alt="Keepozclean-1438065821" src="" /></p> <p> <br /> Have a good week, take care.<br /> <br /> Flore &amp; Marie.</p>
<div> <img alt="Thank_you_end-1435674019" src="" /><br /> <div> <br /> 42 days of fundraising, 61 KissBankers, 104 % reached... thank you so much!<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> A huge THANK YOU all!</div> <div> We are extremely touched and glad to see how people believe in our project.&nbsp;</div> <div> This amazing adventure couldn&#39;t exist without you! Your support is proof that together, we can act.</div> <div> We can&#39;t thank you enough but we&#39;ll do everything to lead this project and make you proud.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> A BIG THANK YOU to all of you :</div> <div> Jean-Luc G., Yoann G., No&euml;lle L., Marl&egrave;ne G., M&eacute;lanie L., Dominique L., Bernard L., Bruno L., Serge R., Alexandre T., Arthur F., Cyril R., Ma&euml;va L., Isabelle D., H&eacute;l&egrave;ne C., Catherine F., Coq en P&acirc;te &eacute;ditions, Anne Laure G., Anne P., Ruslan H., Georges et Elisabeth P., Monique R., Julian B., Michele V.L., Leo F., Val&eacute;rie L., Andr&eacute;e B., Julien B., Gwena&euml;lle L.M., Marjory S., Olivier L., Steven D.S., C&eacute;cile B., Alain H., Caroline H., Marinou P., Anne-Sophie D., Lucile G. Albane H., Benjamin F., Eglantine P., Marina J., Sophie B., Hugues G., Jean-Fran&ccedil;ois L., Laura I.P., K&eacute;vin B., G&eacute;rard L., Isabelle L.G., Th&eacute;o M., M-F D., John S., Edith et Bruno.L, Hugo.C, Corrine.P (et l&#39;association Grain de Pollen), Maryvonne.L, Marco.S, Jean.B, Michelle.F, Petit Minion, Alish.R, et M. Taillandier</div> </div> <p> &nbsp;</p> <p> xx.</p>
<p> <img alt="Thank_you_j-7-1435069218" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <div> <div> Summary D-7 of our project&#39;s campaign : 92% and 51 KissBankers!&nbsp;Whoo-hoo!</div> <div> A big thank you for your support! &hearts;<br /> Only 7 days left...</div> <div> A good news for The Green Trip, a new partnership is in progress...See you in a few days to know more about it.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> xx.</div> </div> <div> <br /> Flore and Marie</div>
<p> <img alt="Keepozclean_14-06-1434283349" src="" /></p> <p> &nbsp;</p> <div> <div> We hope you have a lovely weekend.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> For us, 10 kms walk with amazing landscapes and where we&#39;ve rid the nature of some trash.<br /> And our winner of this hike is... the can, with no less than 12 picked up on our way!<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> Good Sunday everyone, and don&#39;t forget to ‪#&lrm;keepozclean‬.</div> </div> <p> &nbsp;</p>
<div> <div> <div> ➳ Summary of our first week on Kisskissbankbank: it&#39;s been amazing!&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> - We have reached 58% of our goal!</div> <div> - The Green Trip attracts attention... Thank you to Le Guide des Backpackers, Griffin Emblem and IGR-IAE of Rennes.</div> <div> - 142 shares on Facebook, thank you all and keep going !<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> A massive thank you to our new KissBankers: Coq en P&acirc;te &eacute;ditions, Anne Laure G. et Anne P. !&nbsp;<br /> &nbsp;</div> </div> </div> <p> <img alt="Thank_you_j-35-1432652062" src="" /></p>
<div> <div> ➳ By your effort, in three days of campaign, we have reached 50% of our goal and KissKissBankBank team selects THE GREEN TRIP to make it appear on the homepage of the site!<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> A big thank you to our new KissBankers: Alexandre T., Arthur F., Cyril R., Ma&euml;va L., Isabelle D., H&eacute;l&egrave;ne C. and Catherine F.!</div> <div> &nbsp;</div> </div> <div> <br /> <img alt="Thank_you_j-39-1432303001" src="" /></div>
<div> <div> ➳ What happiness! We have reached 39% after 24 hours...<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> A big thank you to our first KissBankers: Jean-Luc G., Yoann G., No&euml;lle L., Marl&egrave;ne G., M&eacute;lanie L., Dominique L., Bernard L., Bruno L. and Serge R.</div> <div> Thank you to all who have already shared our project.<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> We are still counting on you to support our adventure ! &quot;Rendez-vous&quot; on&nbsp;<a href="" target="_blank">Kisskissbankbank</a>&nbsp;!</div> <div> And the surprise of the day...<br /> &nbsp;</div> <div> THE GREEN TRIP is in the selection &quot;POPULAR PROJECT&quot; on KissKissBankBank!!!!</div> </div> <div> &nbsp;</div> <div> <img alt="Thank_you_j-41-1432169528" src="" /></div>