The social micro-credit adventure !

Join us to support the creation of 15 micro-enterprises in developing countries through social micro-finance !

Project visual The social micro-credit adventure !
End date
Out of €2,000
123 %

The publications

<p> (English below)<br /> <br /> Chers Kissbankers,<br /> <br /> En moins d&#39;un mois, nous avons atteint notre objectif et c&#39;est gr&acirc;ce &agrave; VOUS ! Mille merci pour vos donations et support ! Plus de 40 personnes ont adh&eacute;r&eacute; aux projet. C&#39;est g&eacute;nial ! Ils nous restent encore 14jours et nous pr&eacute;voyons d&#39;aider d&#39;avantage de micro-entrepreneurs.<br /> <br /> Plus d&#39;infos prochainement sur notre site internet et page facebook ;)<br /> <br /> ---------------<br /> <br /> Dear KissBankers,<br /> <br /> In less than one month, we reached our goal and this is thank to YOU ! Thank you very much for your donation and support ! More than 40 person adhere the project. That&#39;s amazing ! We still have 14days left and plan to help more micro-entrepreneurs !&nbsp;<br /> <br /> More information soon on our website et facebook page ;)</p>