June 4, 2016
Verres Rêvés - Créatrice Bijoux en Verre Filé
Participate in the evolution of the techniques of glass spinning!

End date
Out of €2,200
133 %
Verres Rêvés - Créatrice Bijoux en Verre Filé
Since my childhood I am fascinated by the glass! Whether it is in stained-glass window, opaque, transparent, cold, hot, soft... One day, my parents took me to visit the workshop of a <u>glass-blower</u>. <em>This is when everything began....</em></p>
As soon as I saw this<strong> magic</strong> operating between the glass-blower and the glass,<strong> a passion was born!</strong> My parents would have been able to abandon me in this workshop, I felt so good there. I began a small collection of glass creations. We were going to bathe on a lake not too far from our house, but what interested me most, it was that there was a store of home-made creations of all kinds. Just next to the lake. I was every excited at the idea of this day on the lake because, if I was wise obviously, I could have a glass unique and home-made creation of this store. <em>I let you imagine my sadness when this one closed...</em></p>
Then years passed. While thinking of the glass creations, I started my studies in interior architecture, and at the same time I was organizer for child. </p>
I left as Au Pair girl, in Finland, a very enriching, deeply moving experience and full of happiness and love!</p>
Meanwhile I continued the studies in Space Design, and I spoke always a lot (too much?) of glass-blower's job… I had already begun the studies, I didn’t feel giving up everything. My family clubbed together to offer me one day of initiation to the spinning of the glass. What beautiful discoveries!</p>
<img alt="3a_goutte-1464593942" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322860/3A_Goutte-1464593942.jpg"></p>
<em>Glass drop spun realized with Jean Pierre Baquere</em></p>
I remember it myself as if it was yesterday… I spent one day with Jean Pierre Baquere, in Paris, in his beautiful studio. He showed me, makes try, even let totally make! My first glass creations spun … It is brilliant.</p>
<img alt="Jean_pierre_baquere-1464083177" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/320173/jean_pierre_baquere-1464083177.jpg"></p>
<em>Jean Pierre Baquere</em></p>
<img alt="20151101_122758-1464594105" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322862/20151101_122758-1464594105.jpg"></p>
<em>Octopus realized glass spun by means of Jean Pierre Baquere</em></p>
I am someone enthusiast and who can’t stay in place, and it is maybe by this frustration that I couldn’t continue to work the glass that I needed to discover the world. I thus took a plane direction New Zealand!</p>
As Au pair Girl again, a wonderful family, 3 children, among whom the biggest of 17ans (you will have understood it, I didn’t take care of him, except to teach to him to drive) 10 months of happiness, learning(apprenticeship), love, exchange, enjoyments, madnesses, in brief … Another extraordinary experience!</p>
Then, I had to come back in<strong> France</strong>, finalize my studies,<strong> always the glass was spun in head. </strong> Having <em>worked, travelled, discovered of magnificent things and real-life experiences of the wonderful moments,</em> <strong>I always need to work the glass!</strong></p>
<strong><img alt="Projet_el_onore_3__clonas_sur_var_ze__is_re__rh_ne_alpes__dimanche_20_mars_2016-1464598431" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322901/Projet_El_onore_3__Clonas_sur_Var_ze__Is_re__Rh_ne_Alpes__Dimanche_20_Mars_2016-1464598431.jpg"> </strong></p>
<em>Photo from Arthur Vignaud, of my work, spun glass</em></p>
That’s why, I launched my project! <u>I created my small workshop</u>, with a small blowtorch. That began at my grandmother's place, I occupied her dining room, her lounge, up to the kitchen! Certainly, I am a little bit intrusive.</p>
<img alt="12239538_1020092931418462_64799477042079336_n-1464596217" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322879/12239538_1020092931418462_64799477042079336_n-1464596217.jpg"></p>
While finalizing <strong>my studies in Design</strong>,<strong> I started my company</strong> in February, 2016.<strong> “Verres Rêvés” </strong></p>
I participated in small markets, here is my stand :</p>
<img alt="Marche_eleonore_anger_ville_sous_anjou_verre_reves_bijoux_verre_fil__ok_internet-1464594280" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322864/Marche_eleonore_anger_ville_sous_anjou_verre_reves_bijoux_verre_fil__ok_internet-1464594280.jpg"></p>
Since then, I am happy to present you my creations, of jewels mainly. However, I can’t create that of<u> very small sizes</u>, because<strong> the thermal shock </strong>between the flame of the blowtorch (900 in 1200°C) and the ambient temperature of the studio makes that the creations <u>crack and break.</u></p>
<img alt="Perle_fendue_eleonore_anger_verres_reves-1464081268" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/320151/perle_fendue_eleonore_anger_verres_reves-1464081268.jpg"></p>
<em>Example of internal crack, weakened pearl</em></p>
I need an oven which is in<strong> 500°C minimum</strong>, to allow to recook my creations and so, to maintain them.</p>
Their cooling has to be regulated and soft. *</p>
This oven cost 1000€, that is why I launch into the participative financing.</p>
- Power of 450 W / 230 V mono</p>
- Weight: 13kg</p>
- Maxi temperature: 600°C</p>
<img alt="Four_recuisson_verres_reves-1464081507" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/320153/FOUR_recuisson_verres_reves-1464081507.jpg"></p>
<em>Oven in 2 doors</em></p>
<strong>I want to thank a lot to my family, my close friends, my circle of acquaintances who supported me during this adventure!</strong></p>
Thanks to: <strong>My family, among which Maria Guironnet-Dupuis,</strong> my grandmother who supported my invasion in her house, who welcomed me my blowtorch and I, and my family as a general rule, which frank and honest was to my creations, my madnesses, my projects.</p>
<strong>Baptiste Babiarz</strong>, an old friend who launched in self-employed person a few years ago. In the door-to-door selling of fresh products of the country, he knew always how to be present, be frank and helping in my projects.</p>
<strong>Loïc Teixiera</strong>, a friend met in New Zealand. He began to program about fifteen years and now he makes that professionally for 3 years. His current company, situated in New Zealand, takes care of site for the festivals, local institutions or of banks. He contributes to technologies open-source, in particular Wagtail and he is ready to realize me the web site! Thank you to be always present to me !</p>
<strong>Arthur Vignaud</strong>, a friend met in ride sharing, came to make photos of my work to the workshop! It’s a small challenge for him who usually realizes photos in outside and landscapes, birds.... But his challenge is made a success! It’s with pleasure that I shall contact him for other photos but also that I strongly recommend him! Here is his web site: <a href="http://arthur-vignaud.wix.com/photographie" target="_blank">http://arthur-vignaud.wix.com/photographie</a></p>
<strong>Julien Paul</strong>, an atypical character that I like a lot. Curious and interested in my project, I thank him for welcoming me my blowtorch and I in his workshop for a while, for making me some room, for making that I feel at best, proposed to make carry jewels for the future.</p>
<strong>Christian Chavanon</strong>, the father of an old friend! With him we share the same passion: the crafts! Christian is a wood turner. We worked together occasionally, but beautiful projects are soon going to arrive, with the oven! Christian lent me an attractive one carry earring, it is magnificent! Thank you for these moments workshop together and these projects for the future!</p>
And then one thank you for their helps, supports and accompaniments... </p>
<strong>M</strong>aria GD, <strong>H</strong>arold A,<strong> F</strong>rançoise A, <strong>P</strong>ascal A,<strong> F</strong>rançoise M,<strong> D</strong>ominique D,<strong> P</strong>errine et <strong>J</strong>acques L, <strong>C</strong>hristophe B,<strong> F</strong>iona A,<strong> J</strong>ean Luc S, <strong>M</strong>arie W, <strong>F</strong>abien R,<strong> S</strong>ophie-Charlotte C,<strong> S</strong>arah A, <strong>M</strong>atthieu B,<strong> M</strong>arine F,<strong> M</strong>arine G,<strong> B</strong>enjamin L,<strong> M</strong>elody S,<strong> S</strong>éverine S,<strong> L</strong>ucie B, <strong>N</strong>icolas D,<strong> I</strong>nès G...</p>
Here we are, you know a small part of me, and it's with pleasure that I would offer you creations which I shall make with big care in exchange for donations for the purchase of the oven.</p>
Allocation of funds
<u>First and foremost</u>, it’s to buy<strong> the oven </strong>which costs <strong>1 000€</strong></p>
Afterward, <u>I’m anxious to pay my friend <strong>Loïc</strong> </u>who is going to create my web site! I would like I could give him <strong>at least 400€</strong></p>
Then if the wanted sum at first is overtaken, I shall install a better system of ventilation as well as accessories to receive people and share my passion...</p>
The main accessories are glasses of protection! Without her, people can’t look at the flame.</p>
- It costs at least <strong>60€</strong>, I would need 2 pairs, for the invited person and the possible guide.</p>
- <u>For the ventilation</u> I need an<strong> arm articulated in 160€</strong> and a <strong>lampshade in 40€</strong> The site which accommodates my campaign of participative financing takes <strong>8 %</strong></p>
<img alt="Diagramme_fini_anglais_ok-1464595792" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/322869/Diagramme_fini_anglais_ok-1464595792.jpg"></p>
<em>Temporary schedule</em></p>
<u>- The crowdfunding begins</u><strong> June 1st and ends on July 15th!</strong></p>
- If the wanted sum is not reached, then every your thus are paid off to you. - Once add it asked reached, I buy <strong>the oven</strong> from in <strong>the middle of July !</strong> <strong>- Raw materials</strong> <u>to realize your counterparties</u> will be bought from in <strong>the middle of July !</strong> <strong>- The system of ventilation</strong> as well as the safety glasses will be bought from <strong>August</strong> - I shall launch <strong>the creation of my web site</strong>, which must be ended for <strong>September / October</strong> and I'm going to pay my friend Loïc during this time. - I am <strong>happy</strong> to be soon able to work on <strong>the technical plan</strong> and <strong>create your presents </strong>in exchange for your <strong>donations</strong>!</p>
<u><strong>Some Questions / Answers:</strong></u></p>
<strong>- What the spun glass?</strong></p>
The spun glass is a technique which consists in <strong>melting a glass stalk with a flame of a blowtorch </strong>(of 900 in 1200°C). Once this one made honeyed, the spinner of glass made dance this material around a chuck ( metallic stalk) to create a pearl or still confront and assemble various glass stalks to create a shape, a figure.</p>
<strong>- Why to recook the creations?</strong></p>
It is about the tensions and the <strong>thermal shocks</strong> that it is necessary to redo to cook the glass creations spun. It’s thus necessary to recook them in an oven, so that the difference between the inside and the outside of the creation is lesser. The oven, <strong>in minimum 500°C</strong>, is going to come down slowly the temperature, according to the size of the glass object.</p>

A unique photo in postcard of a creation, or a work near the blowtorch, written card handwritten and personalized for each of you!
Photography realized by Arthur Vignaud
Estimated delivery: July 2016

A postcard personalized + One carry bag in spun glass in the center, unique
Estimated delivery: August 2016

- 7 contributions
Personalized postcard + Earrings two-colored gone up Pearls Jewels Unique!
Choice of colors, opaque, transparencies, falling pearls, hung on on base or spun directly on the base
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 5 contributions
Personalized postcard + Bracelet Man or Woman!
Assembly of several pearls or in only pearl and lattice-work leather.
Two colors in the choice!
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 5 contributions
The personalized postcard + A glass ring spun unique.
Choice of colors
Opaque, transparencies...
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 1 contribution
Personalized postcard + Carry Bag personalized + Necklace of assembled pearls or pendant gone up in necklace - quite unique and glass spun!
Choice of colors
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 3 contributions
Personalized postcard + color spun glass Long necklace in the choice + carry bag.
- Unique and glass spun!
Choice of colors
Estimated delivery: August 2016

- 5 contributions
Personalized postcard + Finery of Necklace + Bracelet + Earring
- Unique and glass spun!
Choice of colors
Estimated delivery: September 2016

- 2 contributions
Personalized postcard + 1 Finery of Necklace or Long necklace + Bracelet + Earrings + Rings
- Unique and glass spun!
Choice of colors
Estimated delivery: September 2016

Personalized postcard + Carry bag + 1/2 a day of initiation into the spinning of the glass and you leaves with your creation (earrings or ring) gone up
Estimated delivery: September 2016
Make a donation
Give what I want
Sold out

Sold out
- 2 contributions
Personalized postcard + Carry bag + 1 day of initiation into the spinning of the glass with picnic and you leave with your creation (necklace or long necklace) gone up
Estimated delivery: September 2016