WHOSE FUTURE IS HERE ? Searching for Hospitality in Brussels Northern Quarter
<p>In response to the lack of in-depth reflection on<strong> the social and humanitarian situation unfolding in Brussels Northern Quarter</strong>, a district currently at the heart of studies and strategies defined mostly in terms of urban planning, a new research collective took shape in Brussels in February 2019, under the impulse of some Metrolab members : <a href="https://www.facebook.com/archbrussels/?ref=br_rs" target="_blank">ARCH</a> (<strong>Action Research Collective for Hospitality</strong>).<br />
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In an attempt to reconcile <strong>two important challenges</strong> — on the one hand, the regional intention to improve the built and environmental qualities of this district, on the other, the possibility to offer more hospitable urban spaces and facilities to newcomers in precarious situations — various studies have been carried out to better define the current situation and the complex needs of the Northern Quarter. </p>
<p>ARCH has hosted <strong>collaborations between people with very diverse profiles</strong> including, sociologists, anthropologists, architects, urban planners, artists, activists... all committed to this situation and willing to call out to the citizens and Brussels governmental and administrative protagonists on the subject, recalling above all <strong>a common duty of hospitality and humanity</strong>.<br />
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<img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/645035/21-1580462617.jpeg" width="100%" /></p>
<p>ARCH’s researches were conducted <strong>in collaboration with the Citizen's Platform</strong> <a href="https://www.bxlrefugees.be/" target="_blank">#BXLRefugees</a>, one of the main — more precisely, one of the few — actors currently supporting migrant persons and families in Brussels. Every day, they welcome hundreds of people among the 800 migrants and refugees present in this part of the city. Their presence and experience in the field has been essential in defining lines of study and intervention that take into consideration some of the needs and problems they encounter on a daily basis. For example, workshops and focus groups were organized with the refugees and the people who make up the different services of BXLRefugees to reflect on how to set up day and night reception areas in the most relevant and hospitable way possible.<br />
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The result of all this research (carried out over a very short period of time) was put together in a book: "<strong><em>WHOSE FUTURE IS HERE? Searching for Hospitality in Brussels Northern Quarter</em></strong>", through which the members of ARCH aim <em>to contribute to the reflection on the conditions of an urban hospitality policy and to the improvement of reception conditions in Brussels</em>, a metropolis crossed and marked by migrations. <br />
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<img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/647008/collage_ARCH-1581325226.jpg" width="100%" /></p>
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<p><strong>Support a social cause </strong></p>
<p>Through the production and publication of this book, ARCH does not aim to make an economic profit, but has a social purpose: to contribute to the improvement of reception conditions in Brussels, through research and local interventions, including knowledge sharing.</p>
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<strong>Produce the result of a voluntary commitment</strong></p>
<p>ARCH is based on values of voluntary commitment. Its members do not receive any remuneration and their involvement is highly dependent on the personal motivations of each individual and/or due to professional activities. Although the editing and corrections of the book could be done collectively and independently, the production of the book nevertheless requires an intervention fee in order to contribute to the support of the graphic designers work and to allow the printing of the book.</p>
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<strong>Compensation for the work of graphic designers</strong></p>
<p>Part of the funds raised will be used to finance the work done by the graphic designers Dimitri Reist and Noah Bosma (<a href="https://www.bundr.ch" target="_blank">Bundr</a>), who voluntarily agreed to follow us in this project.</p>
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<strong>Contribute to printing costs</strong><br />
The remaining funds will pay the costs of the printing of the book.<br />
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<img alt="" src="https://d3v4jsc54141g1.cloudfront.net/uploads/project_image/image/645034/4-1580462523.jpg" width="100%" /></p>
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