Zemiata Création à Corfou 2016 - Youri De Gussem

Help us bring this project to Corfu in order to create and make this dance piece come alive. Your help is essential!

Project visual Zemiata Création à Corfou 2016 - Youri De Gussem
End date
Out of €3,000
100 %

The publications

<p> We made it! Our collect is now over and thanks to your donations we received the entire amount of money!!!</p> <p> A huge thanks to all of you, kissbankers. Your generosity allowed this project to happen in the best possible conditions.</p> <p> During the coming months, we will take care of your rewards. We hope to see you the 27th of January in Brussels for the premiere of ZEMIATA!!!</p> <p> Meanwhile, you can follow the creation process on the facebook page &laquo;&nbsp;ZEMIATA&nbsp;&raquo;.</p> <p> https://www.facebook.com/Zemiata-1770953089829487/</p>