Ecostep, green TV show dedicated to the research of green alternatives

They said it was impossible but we did it

Project visual Ecostep, green TV show dedicated to the research of green alternatives
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Out of €2,000
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Ecostep, green TV show dedicated to the research of green alternatives

<p>Hello everyone&nbsp;</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Let me introduce me Orianne Cabarde. <img alt="" src="" width="100%" />Last September&nbsp;I hiked&nbsp;from France for a 6 month travel through EU looking for green alternatives. My project became a documentary and later the 1st season of a new&nbsp;Webtv&nbsp;Show call Ecostep. 🥾</p> <p>🎥 I did every week a 5 minutes chronics about one green alternatives create by people as you and I that want to accelerate the society transition.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p><img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>Today it is time to move again for a second season in France this time for a 4 month bike travel I called It &laquo; Ecostep, le Tour de France of green alternatives &raquo;.🚴🏼&zwj;♀️<br /> Here the team that will follow me from Paris 👇<br /> <img alt="" src="" width="100%" /></p> <p>So I will move alone with my bike looking for women&rsquo;s and men&rsquo;s that have green projects to make evolved the society. Ecology is really important so I would to show solutions near by your place. No need to move in the other side of the world to find good and green alternative.</p> <p>But to make it real I need you 👋</p> <p>PS : The season 3 is already in my mind for a Ecotour in America because it is not just EU that matter but all the world. So&nbsp;Let&rsquo;s do a better world together.</p>

Allocation of funds

<p>The fund will be use for the creation of the 2nd season to pay the material and the team and all the process. So the cameras, Go Pro for the&nbsp;ride, the salary of the team that will help me,&nbsp;the Airbnb for sleeping when I don&rsquo;t sleep in tent, insurance, food...</p>




Your name at the end of the 1st episode + fond d'écran Ecostep



your name at the end of the 1st episode + screen background of Ecostep + post card create with one of the pictures we will do and a valorization of you contribution on our websites.

Big fish


Your name at the end of the 1st episode + Promotion of your project on our websites and a Postcard of you choice about Ecostep travel

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