Le Guide 2022 de l'Art Contemporain Urbain bientôt disponible
From Street Art to Contemporary Urban Art [Aller à la version française] GraffitiART Magazine, the undisputed leader of the press dedicated to Urban Contemporary Art, is a bimonthly distributed in 19 countries. Recognised by artists and galleries, GraffitiART Magazine is the perfect link between creation, lovers of Contemporary Urban Art and collectors. GraffitiART supports creation and encourages the diffusion of Contemporary Urban Art to the greatest number of people. Every two months, Graffiti Art Magazine: explores a Street Art scene in its "1 Destination 5 Spots" section (Madrid, New Dehli, Montreal...) and a singular place "Place2Art" for Street Art (Berlin Wall, NYC Subway, Street Art City...) tackles major themes with its Opinion section (NFT, Kaws, Invader...) and its "Investigations" section (Environement, Illusions, Cartoon...) highlights confirmed and emerging talents. The 2021 edition of the Guide to Urban Contemporary Art is coming! The Guide 2022 presents 50 confirmed and emerging artists on 236 pages. The diversity of creation and approaches to Street Art is highlighted, with a greater emphasis on muralists. After Belin, Hopare, Matt Gondek and Felipe Pantone, D*Face is on the cover of the Guide 2022. We need your help for this 10th edition of the "Guide de l'Art Contemporain Urbain". The Graffiti Art Magazine team needs your help to finance and pre-order the 2022 edition of the "Guide to Urban Contemporary Art" which will be full of surprises and will be a success with each and every one of you. Graffiti Art Magazine, 14 years at the service of Urban Art! Throughout our 66 issues and our 10 guides, we wanted to share with you a passion for artists and collectives who use the street as a field of experimentation, then discover themselves in galleries and finally in museums. You can find our archives on our APP available on GooglePlay and AppStore. Counterparts for lovers of Street Art and GraffitiART Magazine Graffiti Art Magazine's team has carefully selected exclusive counterparts and also offers you the exceptional opportunity to choose counterparts that have already made previous campaigns a success. the Guide 2021 to Urban Contemporary Art and past issues for latecomers the 1 ou 2-year subscription to GraffitiART Magazine one-year access to our archives through our App GraffitiART our Art Toy SPRAY BUD in 15cm or 60cm the "GraffitiART" cap The guide to Urban Contemporary Art is GraffitiART Magazine's essential special issue. In 232 pages, we offer you to discover a complete panorama of the urban movement. 50 artists are selected, representing both the stars but also the emerging creators and our discoveries of urban art. This campaign will therefore be an opportunity to meet you and exchange ideas on the site and on our social networks. As you know, the magazine press is undergoing profound transformations. It is becoming difficult to make a title like ours exist in paper form alone. Yet how can we report on the work of artists without going through print? We are in daily contact with you through our 300,000 subscribers on the Facebook page and our 217,000 followers on Instagram. Our monthly newsletter is also a link with our community. Sign up to keep us in touch. But the real substantive dialogue must continue through the magazine. This is why we need your help and why we are setting up this campaign on KissKissBankBank by soliciting you to help us finance the Guide to Contemporary Urban Art and more. Urban Contemporary Art is inspiring!
The production cost of the Guide de l'Art Contemporain Urbain breaks down as follows: - Artistic rights: 10 000 €. - Editing: 10 000 €. - Printing: 45 000 €. - Promotion: 5 000 €. We have chosen to launch the campaign in 4 stages with a first objective of 8 000 € to cover one part of the artistic rights. In the end, we would like to reach 20 000 € but it depends on you. At the same time, we are looking for advertisers and sponsors and we will keep you informed of those who decide to support us as they commit themselves.